The Bond

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"A-Am I doing it right?" Sasuke asked looking up at Sakura

"Good enough," She said "Um Naruto said something about milk in his bag."

          Sakura went off to find the bottles Naruto had mentioned before he passed out. Sasuke felt awkward holding the baby in his arms and looked around seeing if he could set him down somewhere. Sighing in defeat he just went outside where they immediately crowded the baby.

"Whoa," They all said

"It's," Kiba said "He looks like you. Kasai you could've been like that's not mine until his sharingan was active but this one nope."

"I wanna see. I want baby," Demanded a small voice from the bottom of the group and they looked down to see Kasai his arms crossed

          Sasuke kneeled down so Kasai had a good view of the infant. Kasai didn't like him one bit. The infant opened it's eyes a bright red color being seen before it turned to a sky blue. Kasai looked at Sasuke's interested face tears welling in his eyes. He turned around crossing his arms over his chest his nose turnt up.

"I don't like him. He's ugly," Kasai said before stomping away

          Sasuke gave the infant to Hinata just as Sakura came out the hut with a plethora of bottles Naruto must've prepared. He chased after his son who obviously didn't want to be captured. Kasai wiped his eyes ferociously as he tried to get away. How come Papa never looked at me like that? He always looks bored with me. Kasai missed a branch and slipped but Sasuke caught him by his ankle and this time he was full out bawling.

"Kasai! Kasai tell me what's wrong," Sasuke said setting them down. He kneeled in front of the crying child his hands in little fist over his eyes. It broke his heart to know his eldest son was this upset about something.

"You don't love me," Kasai said a hard sob racking the toddler's body

"What the? Where'd you get that idea?" Sasuke asked "I thought we were bonding not even two hours ago."

"You no look at me *hic* like you look at baby," Kasai said his tears never seeming to end

"You wanna hear a secret. I have never ever held a baby before," Sasuke said wiping the boy's tears "It was a new experience for me."

"Really?" The boy asked skeptically

"Yep. Wanna know something else too?" Sasuke asked sitting the boy in his lap "About three years ago give or take a few months. It was a couple months a after I deserted the Konoha village and I was completely controlled by my master Orochimaru he told me that certain blonde boy was pregnant and I had to kill the offspring to become strong. At this time I was obsessed with being strong riddled with trying to gain power so he demanded it and I followed your Mama around and around until one night at a ramen shop his water broke. Your uncle Jariya helped give birth to you and I readied my sword to kill you but then you laughed. The first sound you made was a laugh. I couldn't do it. I started questioning Orochimaru which in turn made me stronger, strong enough to kill Orochimaru."

"Papa. I forget you say this 'cause I no wanna be the reason you kill somebody," Kasai said standing up "But I get what you mean."

        Ruffling the small boy's hair Sasuke stood up holding out his hand. Kasai took it talking about his uncle Itachi and the Akatsuki. When they made their way back Sakura stood fuming as the newborn wailed endlessly. Sasuke took the child from Sakura along with the bottle and sat down. When Sakura turned around baby barf was all over her back. So just to make sure Sasuke draped a blanket over his shoulder. He feed the child uncomfortable with it's piercing blue eyes looking at him. Once half the bottle was gone and the infant wouldn't take anymore Sasuke began to burp him making sure the blanket was in place.


Hello fellow flowers

I feel as if this chapter is short. I already have the one big story written out and I just keep adding to it so I just copy and paste it on to wattpad. I love your comments. Shoutout to Naruto771 for the critic I will try to work on it and Teresafoster68 for the awesome comment and making me feel special. I don't really care for votes. Do it if you want to but





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