Chapter 6: Cell

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After the somewhat interesting conversation with Nemo, Jim, Bones and Spock decided to give her some space. They hoped that a little time alone in the cell would help her adjust to the situation. In the meantime, the crew continued with their daily routines, including the communal dinner.

Jim couldn't help but think about Nemo during dinner. He knew that she had every reason to be scared, and he wanted to make sure that she knows that. So, after dinner, he headed to her cell, a tray of food in his hand.

As Jim approached, Nemo saw the food he was carrying and immediately became annoyed. "You can take that crap and fuck off," she spat, her eyes locked into his.

Jim sighed and didn't react to her outburst. Instead, he entered the cell. Her confusion was there as she watched him come closer, an unspoken question in her eyes.

"Mind if I sit down?" Jim asked. She didn't respond, but she didn't object either, so he took a seat on the floor next to her, placing the tray with the untouched food in front of her.

Jim spoke gently, "You must be hungry."

Nemo's stomach growled, betraying her hunger, but she still didn't eat. Her gaze was fixed on the food but filled with suspicion.

Jim sat with her for a while, the silence between them comfortable yet charged with unspoken emotions. Finally, he broke the silence, speaking softly, "I know you're scared, Nemo. It's perfectly normal given what you've probably been through. You don't have to trust us right away, but you need our help."

"Why didn't you just dump me on some random planet?" she asked, her voice was cold with a hint of bitterness. "Would've been one less problem for you."

Jim just continued "Let me tell you a story. It's about my first officer, Spock. He's a Vulcan, and Vulcans are known for their logic and lack of emotion. When I first met Spock, I couldn't figure him out. He seemed so distant and cold. But over time, I learned that there was more to him than met the eye. He was loyal and cared deeply for his friends, even if he didn't always show it."

Jim could see a glimmer of interest in Nemo's eyes as she listened to his story. He pressed on, "I tell you this because I know you're scared. I know you've been through something that's left you feeling lost and alone. But we want to help you. There's nothing wrong with needing help.

Nemo remained silent, her gaze fixed on the food. Slowly she reached for the fork and took a small bite. She needed this food, more than she cared to admit.

Jim smiled at her warmly. "That's it."

Without another word, Nemo slowly began to eat. Jim sat with her, offering her his silent support. He was patient and understanding, allowing her to eat at her own pace.

When she had finished, Jim stood up and gestured towards the exit. "Shall we?"

Nemo looked at him, puzzled for a moment, but then comprehension dawned. She rose to her feet and followed him out of the cell. He gestured for her to walk beside him, and she fell into step.

As they walked down the corridor, Nemo couldn't help but ask, "Why are you letting me out?"

Jim looked at her, understanding the question behind her words. "There are rules on this ship, and you can choose to follow them or not. We're giving you the chance to decide for yourself."

He meant it kindly, offering her a sense of control in a situation that had been taken out of her hands. As they headed to the conference room, Jim hoped that this small gesture would be the beginning of building a bridge of trust with Nemo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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