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When you were younger and more naive, there was someone special in your life — Cora, a sweet and gentle girl. She was yours, and you were hers. However, tragedy struck, and Cora met a gruesome end. Her head was delivered to your bed like a macabre trophy, an image forever etched in your mind.

That trophy became a haunting reminder of the past, a bitter memory that lingered in the recesses of your thoughts. Despite the painful recollections, the passage of time had altered your perspective. You no longer desired to dwell too much on the past; it offered no solace or redemption. 

The present and the challenges it brought were your focus now.

'Did you call him last night?' you asked Sunghoon, stirring your tea. It was a lunch break for the two of you, and as per usual, you were spending it inside Bisco Eats, named after the owner's dog, Bisco.

'I did,' Sunghoon said, eyes flickering to the three students sitting at the table behind you.

'You know, Sunghoon, I've been re-reading 'Frankenstein' lately. It's fascinating how Mary Shelley explored the human desire to conquer death.'

Sunghoon nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, it's an intriguing concept. Dr. Frankenstein's obsession with creating life from death, it's almost. . . poetic.'

'Poetic, indeed. But there's something darkly beautiful about the way he pushed the boundaries of science and morality. The audacity to play God, to defy nature.' Bringing the cup to your lips, you took a sip of the warm liquid, feeling it run down your throat. 'Intriguing, truly.'

'Is that not what we are doing? Playing God, enforcing justice in a broken world?'

You leaned forward, your voice turning into a whisper. 'Oh, but we are nowhere close to gods, are we, Sunghoon?'

And he leaned back. 'True. We're no deities, but we do try to bring some order to the chaos out there.'

'Order, chaos. . . aren't they just two sides of the same coin? Sometimes I wonder if we're merely rearranging the pieces on the board.' There was a playful tone in your voice.

'Now you're starting to sound like one of those philosophers. What's next? Existential crisis over dessert?' He chuckled.

His comment earned a bubbling laugh from your lips. 'Who knows? Maybe we should embrace the chaos. After all, it's what keeps life interesting.'

'You've got a point there. Chaos does keep life interesting. Speaking of which, have you heard about that new coffee shop that opened downtown?'

Your eyes lit up with interest. A coffee shop? 'Oh, you mean the one with the quirky barista who paints latte art that looks like famous movie characters? I've been dying to check it out.'

'Exactly! I heard they have a Darth Vader cappuccino and a Harry Potter espresso. We should go there after work one day.'

To that, you nodded enthusiastically. 'Deal. And while we're on the topic of fun outings, have you thought about our next movie night? It's your turn to pick the movie.'

A hum of thought was all Sunghoon replied with for a good minute. 'Hmm, how about a classic horror film this time? Something to get us in the mood for Halloween.'

Your eyes glanced towards the clock on the wall, the response you had come up with suddenly disappearing. 'Oh, Sunghoon, look at the time. We should get going. Duty calls.'

CLUE: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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