✨️ₚₐᵣₜ ₃: ₑdᵣₑd'ₛ Dᵢₗₑₘₘₐ💫

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Edred's heart sank as he watched Y/N dance and laugh with the Crew. The vibrant energy and contagious joy that filled the air seemed to be in stark contrast to the heaviness that weighed upon him. He was torn between The choice to let Y/N go, or continue.

Sitting on the old barrel, Edred found solace in the shadows, his thoughts swirling like a tornado in his mind. Ralph approached over, seeing Lonely Edred.

"Edred, what's wrong?" He Asked. Edred looked over the opposite way. A Tear strummed down his cheek, he was crying. "Oh no, you're crying." Ralph pulled out a napkin and gave it to him. Edred cleaned up his tears, finally spilling his troubles.

"I'm scared, Ralph. I don't want to let go of my true Love, Y/N. She doesn't remember me." Ralph knew this was a case of broken Love, Pulling over Cornelius, Cornelius decided to help him.

"Edred, Listen to me. You've got more determination for Y/N to remember you than Ralph's collections.  You're strong enough to do this." Edred took the advice gratefully, looking back at his friend. "Y/N may not remember everything about you, but she'll remember everything about what happens today, like today. And she loves you with all of her heart, even though she doesn't remember you." This advice was touching Edred's heart, more like stabbing it like a Stake and Vampire.

He gave a glance to Y/N, and pulled Cornelius and Ralph aside to the other small pirate ship Connected to the main boat."I don't know what to even do." Edred stood on a barrel as his cleared his throat.

"A Song That she used to sing to me, was a song that you'll care about, just like a first love. The Lavenders can bloom all around us, and..who cares."

"My Love, Eternally Doesn't remember me, I'm trying to so hard, but I cannot say goodbye yet. We've been together through so long time fight against Evil, but I think it's time I blame that Evil for Taking what's mine. What's mine, is no more."

"Throughout These Days, I've been clouded but my Memory of Y/N has been clear, others not so clean. I cannot move on, A Song Y/N used to sing to me, was a song that I'll care about in the future."

"The Lavenders, Can really bloom around us. She's The One, Who I hope to remember, and she does the same. I do dream of Y/N."

"Its Glad That you're thinking of good things, Edred! You have willpower, Determination, and Everything!" Cornelius, Ralph and Edred Interlocked hands, skipping their feet against the board.

"We'll Help Her Remember You, You've Got a wish! You've got a Wish! This Elf Prince Has a Wish!" Cornelius and Ralph clapped their hands, Edred nodding to the beat. "We Can help you get back together with the Lady you have talked before!" Cornelius sang.

"Here's the plan.." They all got together conjuring up a plan. The Plan was considered Foolproof. But Edred slowly, was having a vision.

It was short, but no details could be told. Just, Sparkles and screaming. So, he dismissed it. Continuing on, The Plan was that Everytime Edred had a encounter with Y/N, he would try and Rizz her up, basically just shooting her with some memories here and there while also trying to flirt/charm her and then maybe in the end, she would kiss Edred.

Who knew if this plan worked? Maybe this whole thing was doomed from the beginning just when the idea was thought of. After all, how could she fall for somebody who she doesn't recall in past Lifetimes?

"This Plan Should Work. If Not Then I'm out." Ralph explained. They Had arrived at the main ship again and spotted Y/N. He ran up to her, smiling.

"Y/N, I gotta tell you something. Are you the Eiffel Tower? Because eiffel for you." Edred raised his eyebrow as Y/N tinted a bit.

Y/N just scooted away. Was she thinking Edred was weird? He frowned as a Tear rolled down his face. He ran back to Cornelius and sobbed on his shoulder.

This Plan, Failed.

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