Chapter 4

498 4 18

Sophie's POV

Fitz had kindly dropped me off and I once again found Steve passed out on the couch. I entered the bathroom, bringing a towel in with me.

After I finished I looked at the large bruises all over my arms and legs. I slipped on my clothes and quickly brushed my hair. I put it in a ponytail and felt lazy to dry it and grabbed a book, reading myself to sleep. Thinking about a certain teal eyed boy. (Idk why but it feels weird to say man)

I woke up glad to see no one next to me. After I washed up I left the bedroom still finding Steve on the couch. 

I entered the kitchen and started making a quick breakfast.

I sat down and noticed Steve started waking up.

"What time is it?" He asked, yawning and stretching.

"Almost 10." I answer. He sat up and headed inside the room. Steve never remembers anything after he gets drunk. He never noticed the bruises or marks so I never said anything. I heard his footsteps towards me. I looked up at him finding my phone in his hands.

"Why the fuck are you texting Fitz after I had told you not to?"

"What are you doing with my phone?"

"Answer the damn question. You shouldn't be texting other guys without my permission. I thought we had made that clear. And you guys even made plans for today."

"No we didn't," I said quietly.

"Then why is he asking for you to meet up later?"

"Exactly. He was asking. No plans have been made yet, so calm down."

"Why do you even have this guy's number?" He demanded.

"We're friends, Steve! Are we not allowed to share a few texts?"

"Of course not! You're my girlfriend. And who knows, maybe those texts would turn into something more."

"Steve, you're making a big deal out of nothing," I deny, "May I please have my phone back." He dropped my phone purposely and I rolled my eyes at the scene Steve was making. I stood up to retrieve my phone from the ground, glad there was carpet instead of a wooden floor.

I answered Fitz's text.

Me: I would love to, what time?

I set my phone down, soon finishing up my breakfast, taking it to the sink. I then noticed Fitz's reply.

Fitz: How about 2?

Me: Perfect

I put my phone in my pocket and headed inside the bedroom, quickly retrieving my book and heading into the living room, getting in a comfortable position, opening the book to the page I had stopped at last time.

After a few minutes Steve came out of the bedroom, his hair wet.

"Where's breakfast?" He asked.

"Since you didn't ask, I thought you weren't hungry."

"Of course I am! Who wakes up and isn't hungry? Go make it."

"Steve, I'm not your maid. I can't do everything for you."

"You don't even do anything around the house. You just read." I scoff.

"I don't do anything? I do so much. I cook, clean, make our bed, clean the bathroom,  do the laundry, and clean after you. What do you do by any chance?"

"I work. I'm the one who pays rent and does the bills."

"So? Is it hard to make the bed in the morning? Or pick up your dirty clothes?" Slap!

His hand made contact with my left cheek, causing my head to turn the complete opposite direction. It was painful, but was I going to cry?


"Never talk back to me again. Now go make breakfast." I nodded, turning away tears forming my eyes and entered the kitchen, preparing his breakfast.

After it had been ready I set everything on the table and entered the room, closing the door behind me. I entered the bathroom looking at the red handmark on my cheek. A shaky hand reached up, lightly touching it, wincing. I grabbed the first aid kit and kind of bandaged it up. I didn't want anyone to see it. I also didn't want to cancel the plan I had with Fitz. I didn't want him to think anything bad happened. Even though something did.

I lay on my back, facing the ceiling. I wanted to cry. So badly. But no. I had to stay strong. So I lay in silence re-thinking about all my life choices. Especially the one where I had said yes to being Steve's girlfriend. 


Hey guys! Another chapter uploaded! Yay! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and tell me in the comments if you like it or not! Thank for almost 100 reads! I truly appreciate the votes, comments, and reads! See you in the next chapter! Byeeeee!

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