This one's kinda old (like late 2022 old :/)

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We go to war to protect the people. The ones who can't help themselves. That's what a hero's here for. To best the beast, and to help the old and young with equal measure. It's now safe to ask; when did we turn away from that, and become an endeavor for the sadistic? To chop away anyone whom and when we please? When did we go from heroes, to villains that live for fame? For money?

We live in this society, and have had it for over hundreds of years. And why do we continue to encourage negative behaviour? After hundreds of years, do we truly not have a solution? Are we really surprised when many of the people the few of us try to protect turn to villains as an outing?

And can we call ourselves the heroes, when at some point, every one of us could have been villains?

Can we call ourselves heroes, if we don't fight the evil, the true evil in the world that turns the weak into villains? Can we call ourselves 'good' if we turn the world against us?

Can we call ourselves heroes, if we wage war against the people we're trying to protect?

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