12. The aftermath

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"Miss Swan, don't make me to hex you!" Madam Pomfrey threatened.

"If you will hex me, I'll be forced to stay here anyway as a patient. So, go ahead," I shrugged.

"If you won't leave now, I will report to Headmaster!"

"Report to the Minister of Magic if you wish, but I won't move an inch!" I crossed my arms on chest and glared at her.

Madam Pomfrey huffed like a turkey, but she was fighting in already lost battle, and we both knew that. Of course, she was not happy, not at all. Cannot say that I blame her. Madam Pomfrey tried to talk me into going to dormitory to sleep in normal bed, but I merely shook my head and stubbornly ignored her attempts to get me out of the chair at Harry's bed where I had spent no less than fourty eight hours.

Harry was still unconscious after our night encounter with Voldemort. From the day we met, I felt kind of responsible of him. I could not simply leave without knowing that he will be alright. Even Madam Pomfrey's words were not enough to convince me, I had to see it myself, so I stood guard over him, holding his hand, and sometimes dozing off.

"Last time, Miss Swan!" Madam Pomfrey gritted her teeth. "Get out of here, or I will go to fetch Professor Snape!"

If she thought this threat would affect me at least a bit, then she was sourly mistaken. Snape was the last person whom I feared.

"I'm sure Miss Swan only wish the best care for her friend, Poppy," familiar voice came from the doorway, and we both turned to see the Headmaster walking in.

I bent my head to hide the grin on my face. Professor Dumbledore was the only person who understood and supported me. I was certain he would not kick me out.

"Headmaster, I'm trying to make her to go and take some rest. She hasn't slept for two days, and it's only since you brought Potter in. They all four had probably been awake all day and night before then."

"I'm absolutely fine, really," I moaned. Her consistant hovering was annoying the hell out of me.

"Poppy, if Miss Swan has settled her mind, I'm afraid there is less we can do to change it," Dumbledore winked at me. "I would like to speak to her in private, though."

Madam Pomfrey glared at Headmaster, then she turned and walked away to her office, shutting the door behind her.

"Thank you. For letting me stay here," I said.

"My pleasure, Bella," Dumbledore slightly inclined his head, then he conjured a chair like I already had seen him doing it when we first met.

"She said he's going to be fine," I quietly said, when Professor Dumbledore sat in the opposite side of Harry's bed.

Dumbledore merely nodded his agreement, yet he was not looking at Harry. Instead his icy blue eyes were fixed upon me, watching me with worry.

"Bella, is there something that bothers you?" he kindly asked.

I hesitated, unsure of whether I should confess that I have been secretly learning spells that were above first year level, because it was the only way how could I tell him what really bothered me.

"I don't know how to better say it, but – well, I guess I owe you apology. We thought that Snape – sorry, Professor Snape was the one to jinx Harry's broom in his first Quidditch match. After the game I accidentally heard you and Professor Snape discussing it. From what I heard, I could tell that you knew about it. The things you said – now I know that I jumped to wrong conclusions, but at the time it seemed that you both were trying to – " I paused, unable to force myself to speak those words out loud.

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