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As I walk into school it feels weird like the atmosphere feels off, maybe it could be the fact nothing is interesting going on today. At least my uniform has been freshly cleaned and ironed, my shoes are polished, and I look fine according to the dress code. 'Bring' the first bell goes off for the first period of the day.

I made it just in time, thank the heavens. As I enter the room, I overhear everyone's conversation before a tall, sophisticated woman enters the room, bringing the noise to a halt.

'Good morning students, my name is Mrs. Evergreen, and I'm your new forms teacher. I hope you all had a good break as we need to be prepared for this year's content. The first few exams are only a few weeks away. Now, please stay silent, for I must call attendance.'

And it was at that moment I suddenly drifted off, thinking of if I never had to fight for my parent's attention against my siblings. 'Miss Rider!'

I snapped back into reality in response to her sudden sayings.

'Pay attention please, would you. I don't want you to miss out on learning.'

All of a sudden I slip out a groan, before stopping myself, blaming it on a yawn.

'Nice catch Clove she would've killed you if you didn't blame it on the fact that you tired.' My close friend Vespera Collis says jokingly.

'Nice one V!' My other close friend Aime Jordan says whilst sitting down and high-fiving Vespera on the way down. 'But seriously C she is going kill you if you don't stop zoning out.'

The rest of the day moves in such a blur, though finally after what feels like years it's lunch, it feels like I haven't eaten in years. I slam down in my seat and start eating the sandwich my mum made this morning, it tastes awful. Although I eat the sandwich out of pure hunger. Finally, Aime and Vespera arrive at our lunch spot, I've already finished eating and started working on my maths homework. 'I swear it's the first day back and we are already getting homework.' I groan 'Homework should be illegal, anyways how were your classes? Were they as boring as mine?' I ask attempting to make the conversation slightly more interesting.

'It was awful Mrs Reeds gave us an assignment and it is only the first day back.' complained Vespera 'That woman should be in hell for giving out an assignment the first day back.' I nod in agreement, shortly after the bell rings calling for the end of lunch.

My last class for the day happens to be my favourite class, English. Although English tends to drag on forever, I love the class I swear on it, just during the first few days back it can be a little boring.

'Good afternoon class I'm Mr Schyuler, today I just thought I would give you a period to work on your class homework, as I understand it you have been given quite a bit of homework for the first day back.' Mr Schyuler says with so much kindness in his voice, this teacher is going to be the best. I turned on my headphones opened my computer and started on my maths homework. Before I know it the class is finished and everyone is packing up for the day. I start walking to my locker to pick up my bag when I accidentally run into someone.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you, I was just lost in the world of my music' I quickly stutter with a shake in my voice. I generally don't get so scared but his aura is off, it's too dark for a teenage student, even after my apology he still looks so mad. I hurry off before he can say anything. I end up shoving all my books in my locker and grabbing my bag, I'm still shaken up by the run-in with that man.

I hurry out of the school and start the walk home, as it's not too far from school. I don't look whilst crossing the road as it is not a busy road and you never generally have to look, but this time I was ever so wrong.

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