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☆ 12. Chapter 11 Shopping in the Shopping Mallfont record

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Chapter 11: Out of the 9 people who had a fever during the shopping mall sweeps

in the morning, 5 were people with super powers and 4 were zombies. Now someone has a fever again. Those with relatives stood by and prepared for the worst, while praying over and over again to God to drop the curtain.

There is "heaven" and "gods", but they have no mercy on all living beings. Life is lost every moment. Su Yingyue knew how insignificant she was. She didn't have time to feel sad for others, so she could only arrange for people to continue to observe and deal with it.

The steel was in place, and during the rest of the afternoon, Su Yingyue decided to build the wall. The air quality in the fort is also good, but people need sunlight.

This wall will take a while. Use the walls of the villa itself to build reinforcements and power grids. Some areas of the villa are surrounded by mountains, and now these areas also need to be fenced.

Zombies and alien beasts have low IQs. According to the height they usually beat, to prevent some powerful monsters from tearing apart the steel mesh at once, steel plates were added in the middle of the pillars. Make sure they can't tear it apart. As long as there is no wave of zombies or alien beasts, this wall is basically enough after being powered on. Of course, if there is an abnormality, someone still needs to kill the monster.

Most of the monsters in the villa were cleared yesterday. There were not many people around, and it was still safe for more than 100 people to work in groups. By the time it got dark, all the walls had been completed and all the monsters in the public areas of the villa had been cleared.

Su Yingyue took out a diesel generator and a solar generator and placed them above the fortress. There is no sun now, so I will use diesel first. When the electricity is connected to the fence grid, strange animals cannot come over. Zombies will not be electrocuted, but they will not be able to move after being electrocuted.

To prevent accidental injury, a warning sign was hung at a distance on the wall.

There are many cameras installed in the villa, and as long as you have a network and an account, you can check the monitoring status through the cloud. Security guard Liang Huaiyu’s colleagues have administrative rights. This can be used.

In addition, in order to cope with the situation of no network, wired monitoring will be installed on the road from the entrance of the villa to the fortress during the day tomorrow, double insurance, so that you can keep track of what is going on outside at any time.

Su Yingyue is quite satisfied with the base. As long as you don't think about the Empire's sword, everything is fine.

There is room for movement on the ground, and the people at the base have more hope. Points were distributed to everyone who went out to work today. Currently, points can be mainly spent on meals. Everyone in the base will be given a pair of T-shirts and shorts. Everyone can't afford it for the time being and there is no need to buy clothes.

At night, Su Yingyue was thinking about the next plan. The phone rang with a video request from Jamel Xiao.

"Ready to go to bed so early? Turn the camera." Jamel Xiao said without any hint of surprise.

"What?" Su Yingyue turned the camera.

"Nothing, just confirming."

"What did you confirm?" Su Yingyue answered lazily.

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