spending the night

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you were more than excited when you got a text from jack asking if you could spend the night tonight.

obviously you said yes. you would never turn down an opportunity to see my baby.

when showed up at your house he looked exhausted.

you frowned when you saw him. you went up to him and hugged him, got his hair out of his eyes and kissed his hand.

"what's going on jacky?" you asked gently.

"i'm so tired, i just wanna cuddle and sleep with you. i just need a break." he broke. wrapping his arms around your waist

by the way he fell into your arms you could tell he needed all the love you have.

"i'm tired of people telling me i'm not great enough" he whispered to you

you're breath hitched at his comment and you took his phone from his back pocket.

"may i take this and put it somewhere for the night jacky?" you asked calmly

he nodded then pushed his head into your neck

you held onto him for awhile in your kitchen before bringing him to the living room.

"can you massage my shoulders please?" jack asked

you smiled softly and nodded. you knew it was a way for him to calm down

jack moved to sit in between your legs on the floor while you were on the couch so you massage his shoulders. his eyes closed and his head fell on your lap.

you could feel his tense body relaxing at your movements as you massaged his shoulders

after a while, you could feel that his body had gone limp, and his eyes were closed. when he woke up, he crawled back onto the couch and back into your open arms.

"i love you jack" you whispered to him

"i love you more" he whispered back

time skip

he told you he was hungry so you got up and made some mac n cheese for the boy because to him it makes everything better.

you both took showers before climbing into your bed one after another. jack's arm snaked around your waist as he snuggled his head into your neck.

"thank you for making my day so much better y/n/n. i love more than words can describe baby." jack informed you.

"i love you more baby, and i'll always be here to make your days better if something is wrong." you told the boy

"baby, i don't deserve you." jack cooed

"yes you do jacky, every part of me"

"every part?" he said smirking

"JACK HUGHES" you gasped

"i was just playing" he defended

time skip

"i don't wanna go to bed because we've barely talked" jack admitted

but you knew the boy was damn well exhausted.

"jacky, baby, go to sleep we will talk in the morning i promise." you cooed the sleepy boy.

you started to run your hands through his hair to help him fall asleep.

"and jack, if you want you can stay another night and we can talk all day and night." you told him

he nodded his head fast.

he would LOVE that.

another chapter.
i hope you guys like

𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙝𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now