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i couldn't believe what was happening to me. 

"it's not you, it's me," ryan, my now ex-boyfriend, says insincerely. 

i stood there, my mouth open in confusion. 

"okay, bye now." he says, before walking off.

  i see him link arms with a girl and continue walking down the hall.  confusion was what filled my mind. i didn't know what caused our sudden breakup.  i wasn't necessarily sad about it, but it definitely brought my mood down.

ryan was a really nice guy and was super fun to be around. i guess i must've misjudged.  i make my my way to my locker, the thought of me being dumped in my head. 

"hey, y/n!" 

i turn to see my best friend, jack. 
"hey," i reply, solemnly.

instantly, concern spreads over jack's face. 

"what's wrong?" 

"ryan just broke up with me." 

"oh. are you okay?"  i chuckle.

jack wasn't good at dealing with emotional people. 

"i will be. we weren't even together that long," i shrug. 

"still, though, it must suck. right around prom, too."  i groan.

i didn't even think about prom.  i lean into jack. 

"can you please break up with ella?" i plead in his chest. 

when we were in grade 7, jack and i made a deal that if we were both single by the time prom came around, we'd go together.  he wraps his arms around me. 

"sorry, y/n. our pack was if we were both single."

  "then get single!"

he laughs as the warning bell goes off, telling us to get to class.  a few hours later, it's lunch.  i'm sitting at a table with several friends, including jack. we're all laughing at something stupid that vlas said. 

"what's so funny?"

everyone at the table turns in unison to see ella standing over jack, a hand on his shoulder.  i swear i heard case groan and johnny mutter something about the devil. 

"nothing, babe" jack answers,

"sit. there's a spot next to alex," 

"but i want to sit next to you." 

everyone at the table looks at each other awkwardly as the seats on either side of jack were occupied by cole and danny. 

"it's alright, you can take my spot. i was going to get a bottle of water anyways," danny says before looking at me,

"y/n/n, come with me?"  i nodded and got up and followed him towards the vending machines. 

"heard about you and ryan breaking up," he says.  i sigh in response. 

"right around prom, too." he adds, 

"god! why does everyone bring up prom?" 

"hey! sorry!" he answers, apologetically, "didn't mean to hit nerve. but, i'll tell you what, i wasn't planning on going to prom, but if you still don't have anyone to go with by then, i guess i could throw on a suit or something." 

i smile at him, "thanks danny, i appreciate it."  i glance back at our table to see ella waving her hands around and speaking in a frantic way, clearly ranting about something. next to her, jack seemed to not pay attention to a thing she was saying and was more interested in what danny and i were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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