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I toss the last folded letter into the flames and sigh. I'm finally done, I'm finally letting go. Mia had been the love of my life but now she's gone and I'm with Kimberly.

"Is that the last one?" Kimberly asks quietly, her eyes brighter than her tone.

"Yup," I reply, my words wispy and faint. "I actually don't miss her any more. Mia is my ex and that's how it is. I've learned to be okay with it...because I have you." I turn to Kimberly fast, my hands trembling. The small fire, contained in a metal fire pit from Canadian Tire, licks at the paper. All my words, all my thoughts and feelings and ache, are gone. They're burning to ash and it makes me feel lighter. "Kim, I love you."

She smiles and the orange of the fire dances in her eyes. "God, John. I love you, too." She reaches out and straightens my collar. She rests her hands on my shoulders and steps closer. "Why are you being so weird?"

"I don't feel weird, I feel happy. I'm ready to continue our life together, Mia-free. Things are going to be great." She studies my faces and I smile, trying to convince her. It's how I truly feel, but I don't blame her for being skeptical.

"Okay." She smiles and hugs me. Her mouth is by my ear and she's teasing me, her breath fanning my neck. "We should go away. Paris? Or Venus. Maybe Ireland."

I pull back and kiss her cheek. I don't say anything as I pop open a can of pink lemonade - the last can of pink lemonade I will ever buy - and pour it over the fire. I take a deep breath and set the can down. I put the lid onto the fire pit and take Kimberly's hand.

"Rio. We should go to Rio. You and me, Kimberly."

<> <> <>

A/N: wow we're finally done.

so this wasn't exactly a story based on true events or anything like Letters To Arix, but i wrote it as something fun and easy and short. anyways, i don't have some long speech. i hope you all enjoyed Writing to Mia, and i hope you go on to read some of my other books. thanks for all the support!

hannah xx

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