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Pyrrhia: Pyrrhia doesn't exist, only America, and the other 194 countries, including the 7 continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, and "Pyrrhia" is (in this world/AU) called Pyrrhia high

Clay: Clay grew up with his neglectful mother Cattail, and his siblings, Reed, Marsh, Pheasant, Sora, Crane, and their youngest Umber. Clay is the oldest as being fifteen years old, Reed is fourteen years old, Pheasant is thirteen years old, Marsh and Sora are twins, and are twelve years old, Crane is fourteen years old, and Umber is ten years old. After Clay goes some months to his new school, Pyrrhia high, and meets a girl named Peril. After some years, Clay opens an academy with his bestfriends, Sunny, Tsunami and Starflight, the academy is for all ages (k-any kind of education, including doctor education, or anything). Later in the series he will be in a relationship with Peril.

Tsunami: Tsunami grew up with her mother Coral, a popular writer of amazing stories, and president of a company in sales, her little sisters, Anemone, who is seven, and Auklet, who is six, and her brothers, she joins Later in the series she will be in a relationship with Riptide.

Glory: Glory grew up with her parents, Tuberose and Kodom, her mother is the president of a extremely successful business in fashion (and Glory loves fashion/fashion designing), but when she finds out that up to seventeen people were kidnapped and have been missing, she's determined to find all of them. when she finds out where, she gets one child out of the area, a nine-year-old named Kinkajou, after some time, they weren't able to locate her family, Glory convinced he parents to adopt Kinkajou. She has had a pet sloth named "Silver". Later in the series, she is in a relationship with Deathbringer

Starflight: Starflight grew up in a descent-sized apartment (3-4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a small balcony-porch, and a descent-sized kitchen) with his half-sister Feirceteeth, and his father Mastermind, His mother, Farsight, died of cancer, but cared and loved Starflight and Feirceteeth. Later in the series he will be in a relationship with Fatespeaker.

Sunny: Sunny grew up with her Father, Stonemover, and her mother, Thorn. Thorn is a successful owner of over eight cafés called "Outclaw café", thus, she is a millionaire in the cafès profits. Stonemover is a stay-at-home dad, meaning the parent who stays at home to help care for the child. Later in the series she will be in a relationship with Sky.

Sky: Sky grew up with his mother Kestrel, his father Chameleon, and his twin sister Peril, along with his dog Wren, and her brother Leaf, with his partner Ivy. Later in the series, she will be in a relationship with Sky.

Peril: Peril grew up with her mother Kestrel, her father Chameleon, and her twin brother Sky, along with Sky's dog Wren, her brother Leaf, and his partner Ivy. Peril doesn't have fire-skin (skin version of firescales), or anything like that, she's just a normal girl, with good self-defense and close-combat. Peril doesn't attend Jade academy, she graduates Pyrrhia high with flying colors, and as Clay's girlfriend. (So Carnelian is alive and gets a love interest). Later in the series she will be in a relationship with Clay

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