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Something grabbed my shoulder, and I took a sharp breath, eyes snapping open.

"Lexi," Leo whispered.

"Geez, Leo-"


Bleary-eyed, I looked at him, still processing through my half-sleep state. He stared at the bottom of the bed. Looking down, Quinn stood void of emotion and eyes wide open. She looked possessed.

"What's going on?" I murmured low.

"No idea..."

Quinn didn't react to my hand waving in front of her face. Her eyes didn't shift, and I noted they were cloudy. Instead of the wise caramel eyes seeing out, they were more beige.

"I think she's sleepwalking," I suspected.

"Is she normally this creepy when sleepwalking?"

"She has never sleepwalked..."

I half debated getting out of bed to wake her, but they say never to disturb a sleepwalker.

"Quinn?" I ventured.

She turned slowly and walked towards the door. Her movements were slow and a little jerky, like a puppet.

I followed her out, "I'll watch her... make sure she doesn't hurt herself. Will you get Devan?"

"Gotcha," Leo replied, exiting the bed.

When Quinn approached the stairs, I made sure to be in front of her going down.

"Quinn?" Devan's voice came from the top.

"She's out of it," I replied, reaching the bottom steps.

"What's going on?" Lathen appeared from the living room, rubbing his eyes. He crashed after being drunk under the table.

"We think Quinn is sleepwalking."

"Impossible, she's an energy witch. When they sleep, they sleep."

Devan looked guilty and said, "Actually... This isn't the first time."

Quinn entered the kitchen and made her way to the table.

"What?" Lathen inquired.

"After watching the footage at Jack's. She would sleepwalk and do strange things; she even left the house once."

Quinn artfully pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because it only happened a few times... I didn't think anything of it."

I watched her sitting; her hands stroked the table before her, and then her nails scratched the surface.

Lathen cringed, "Geez, horrible noise."

I noticed her hands moved in a pattern, "Get paper and a pen. I don't think these are scribbles."

"What are you thinking?" Devan said, finding the things nearby.

"Something doesn't add up. She was drugged, but no blood was taken. She blacked out for two hours until she called me. She had memories of walking away from Star Gazers and now sleepwalking?"

I placed the paper and pen below her hands, nudging them into position slightly. She paused, feeling around again. Her hand grasped the pen and carried on her 'scribbling'.

"She's channelling, not sleepwalking," I affirmed.

"Channelling?" Devan asked.

"Energy witches can get messages or visions. Without an outlet,"–I gestured to the pen and paper– "this will continue. Her psyche has awakened. She'll be able to connect to the other side of the veil more easily."

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