the grandparents

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As later on noah and emmas grandparents give them there dinner.           

As emma digs in she taste a bitter taste as she asks her grandmother.

"What kind of meat is this? " as she turns around and smiles franticly and starts to giggle.

As emma replies well whats so funny? As noah turnes round and says "papa said she has aschizophrenia maby her meds arnt working? As there grandfarther turns around and shouts go to your room and don't come out untill the morning.

As they frantically trying to find out what they did wrong.
As noah says lets just head to bed and get to sleep as they both get snug under the bed sheets. And  there eyes slowly drift off to dream land.

They find themself walking up to a scratching sound at the door. As they slowly open they bed room door as they hear a creak. As they see there grandmother talking to herself. They shut there door.

To hear a even louder scratching noise.

And they slowly tipto to the basement to find a big  bin bag with there actual grandparents just to find out that.........

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