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After a few hours, Benzie felt a movement. He woke up suddenly and saw that his Carrot was becoming conscious slowly. He held her hand and said, "Yes, yes Carrot, open your eyes. See, your Bunny is here only...." Before he could say anything further, he heard the voice, that he was was craving to hear from last 11 days. Caira struggled to speak but said, "Bu_Bunny."

Benzie staggered and said, "Ye_yes Carrot. I am here. Try to open your eyes."

Caira continued, " Bu_bunny, wh_what is h_hap_happening? My whole body is h_hurting."

After saying this Caira became a little bit conscious and started crying. She said in a cracked voice, "Bun_ny, I can't ta_ke this p_pain. I wanna d_die, please a_ask the d_doctor to let_me_die."

Benzie felt his heart breaking into a million pieces. He hugged Caira and said in one go, "No, no carrot. I won't let you die. You are not going anywhere. You have to stay with me forever. I will be there with you forever now. So, please don't say that."

But Caira was sobbing terribly. Benzie rubbed her back and said with a sad chuckle, "Oh, it's a rare moment to see. My Carrot is crying."

The doctor entered the room and checked Caira up. Then he said, "Mr. Benzie, I want to talk to you. Come to my cabin."
"Coming doctor", replied Benzie.

"Carrot, just wait. I am coming, okay? Don't worry, I'll be here in a while", he said and then went to doctor's cabin.


After having a seat, Benzie said, "Can't we talk there? Carrot_ I mean Caira is alone there."

"Sorry, Mr. Benzie, but I don't think that we should talk there," the doctor continued, "Mr. Benzie, she had went through a terrific time. You and I can't even imagine her pain. She is traumatized and I think that it will take a long to heal her mentally. We have to take care of her like a baby. Make her feel safe, secured, comfortable and lovable. Tell her about her worth not through words but through actions. Give her all care of yours and make her feel special." Then, the doctor noticed Benzie who was zoned out then doctor exclaimed, "Mr. Benzie _ Mr Benzie."

Benzie started crying. He said, "why? Why did I leave you alone?
After saying this, he started to hit himself. The doctor calmed him and said, " Mr Benzie, tryna understand. As you said, you are the only one for her in the whole world. For her, you have to be strong and handle her with care."

Benzie nodded and asked, " Doctor, is there anything about her physical health too?"
"Nothing special. As I told you that she has many bruises. It will take time to heal but she'll be fine."

"Okay, doctor. When should I take her back?"
"Complete the formalities and then you can take her back but, you have to bring her here every alternate day for dressing."

Benzie replied, "okay doctor. Thanks for your help."
"It's my duty, Mr Benzie."

After completing the formalities, Benzie took Caira back with him.

              TO BE CONTINUED

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