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A week passed but nothing changed.

One night, when Benzie came home, he asked the maid about Caira's routine. But he was left broken when he heard to the reply. The maid told him that Caira has been skipping her meals, since a week. She hasn't ate much and even fainted in the morning.

Benzie became very sad. He asked the maid to make soup for Caira and took it to her room.

Caira was laying on her bed, completely sleepless. Benzie entered her room and called her. "Carrot."

Caira got startled a little. She turned only to see Benzie standing near the door with a bowl in his hand and a sad smile on his face. She turned her face back from him.

Benzie went near her and called her again. "Carrot, I am sorry."

Caira looked at him.

Benzie continued, " I know that everything what I said was very harsh and wrong. But believe me, I didn't mean anything like that. I was just angry when you constantly asked me to move away. But now when I thought about your concern, I also feel that you need to go. Please look at me Carrot."

Caira was unable to hold it more. She quickly hugged Benzie and said, "I am sorry too Bunny. I was also being a stubborn. I also didn't want to hurt you. I don't want to go away too but I am compelled to."

"I understand, Carrot."

"So, are you ready to let me go?"

"Yes, ............ But"

Caira got happy but confused too. "But, but what?"

"But there are some conditions."

"O_okay. Tell me. What are the conditions?"

"Okay, so condition first is that you have to call me daily for two times atleast."

"Okay, done."

"Hmm. So, second condition is that you will go there with some of my bodyguards."

"What? Why?" She frowned.

"Condition is condition. Accept or reject."

*Sigh* "Okay, accepted."

"Third condition, you will tell me everything about your friends and everything else."

"Of course, I will. Even if you don't ask me to. You need to listen to me." *Chuckle*

*Fourth condition"

"Enough Bunny"

"Fourth condition is that you have to take care of yourself."

Caira got so happy and excited. "You are the best, Bunny. So, when am I going?"

"Maybe next week"

"Next week? Isn't it too early? What about my admission?"

"It's already done."

Caira jumped in happiness and hugged Benzie tightly. But then suddenly her happiness turned into sadness. "It's means we don't have much time together?"

Benzie nodded with a sad smile.

"Don't worry Bunny. I will come back soon."

A week passed with happiness, excitement and sadness. They both were so sad that they are getting separated but happy that Caira is moving further on her life path.

Now, it was the day when Caira was going to California. Benzie was silent for the whole day.

It was time to say final goodbye to each other. Caira hugged Benzie for the last time. This time Benzie broke into tears. He said in a husky voice, " please don't forget me. Remember that I am waiting for you ,Carrot. "

Caira calmed him down. "I will be back soon. Just for you, Bunny."

They bid their greetings and Caira left Benzie.

Two months passed.

Caira was living in an apartment owned by Benzie for her only. She was doing great in her studies.

Caira and Benzie both missed each other equally. But Benzie was more lonely as he didn't has anyone left. Caira made new friends at her college. But, none of them was so close to her as Benzie was. (Of course they are best friends. How can someone take their places, author🙄?

They both talked daily. Benzie always asked her to come for a vacation but she got so busy with her studies that she was unable to.

After two months, she was finally going back to Benzie. She asked all of his bodyguards to keep it as a secret.

The night when she reached her hometown, Benzie was watching some past videos of both of them in the living room. Caira silently peeked in the house and was about to surprise Benzie. But unfortunately, a vase fell by her and Benzie got attentive. He went to the side from where the sound came. He caught Caira and was about to choke her when she screamed at him. Benzie left her and was so surprised. He quickly gave her a glass of water. After gulping it in one go, Caira breath heavily. In no time, Benzie engulfed her in a tight hug. Unknowingly, both of them broke into tears.

"Carrot". Benzie whispered in a broken voice.

After a while, they both got normal. Benzie had so many things to say.
"What a surprise? How did you came suddenly? I missed you so much..........."

"Stop, stop Bunny. Calm down. I am here only for some days, don't worry."

It was late at night . So they both just chit chatted for a while and then went to sleep.

They both cuddled together. They both missed this warmth for a long time and now were really feeling better.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. TO BE CONTINUED


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