Chapter 30 - Healing

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3rd Person

"El, can I talk to you?" Mike looked at El, who gave him a small nod.

They both walked over to the hallway near Will's room, and El speaks up.

"What is wrong?" El looked concerned, and Mike sighed.

"So, is there anything else you can do to help Will?" Mike asked El.

Mike quickly realized how rude this sounded, and began speaking again.

"I know how much you've already done so it's okay if you can't do anything more, just if you could that'd be amazing!" He added on quickly, making El giggle.

"Yes, I can help him. I want to go and see him anyway, why don't you go and sit down with everybody else." Eleven told Mike, who nodded hurriedly.

"Thank you so much!" He gave her a small wave, before running off to talk to Lucas and Dustin.

Eleven let out a small laugh, before walking into Will's room. She saw that her brother was sleeping soundly, so she decided to sit down and figure out how to help him.

She looked down at Will, her eyes landing on his casts. An idea popped into her head, and she smiled and decided to go ahead with it.

She gently held her hand over Will's arm, and she began to focus. Soon enough, she heard a small click and she knew she had succeeded.

A huge grin spread across her face, and she began to do that for every cast, until she got to the his right arm.

She heard a small cough and she looked up to see Will's eyes fluttering open.

She stopped trying to heal his arm and gave him a small wave, causing him to smile.

"How are you?" She asked him, holding the part of his hand that wasn't in a cast.

"What?" He tried to lean forwards.

"How are you?" She repeated, and Will was able to read her lips.

"Oh! I feel better." He smiled at her, and she let out a thankful sigh.

"I'm glad, how do your legs and arms feel?" She inquired.

"What?" Will groaned.

"How are your legs and arms?" She gave them a small tap, so he knew what she meant.

"They feel a lot better actually, although my right arm is still sore, it's kind of weird. None of the other places that have casts hurt." He rambled, causing Eleven to smile.

"That's good, would you like a doctor to come and check on them?" She looked over at her brother.

"..What?" He gave her an embarrassed smile.

"Would you like a doctor to check on them?" She repeated, giving his legs and arm casts a small tap.

Will understood and nodded, so she gave him a thumbs up and left the room.

She made her way over to the front desk where a lady was sat in front of a computer, her keys making an excessive amount of noise.

"Excuse me?" Eleven spoke politely.

"What's up sweety?" The receptionist spoke.

"Will Byers has asked if he could have a doctor check up on his casts? He said he wasn't sure whether he needs them." Eleven told the woman.

"They were only put on yesterday? Is he sure?" The lady asked.

"Yes, would that be okay?" She smiled.

"Of course, I'll send somebody over." The woman nodded.

"Thank you!" Eleven thanked her, before going back over to the waiting room.

Mike saw her walking over with a huge grin on her face so he began asking her questions.

"He's okay, isn't he? No broken bones?" Mike made sure.

"Well, I managed to heal them all apart from his right arm. But I did move it slightly so it should only rake another couple weeks to heal." She told Mike.

A big smile spread across his face and he trappes El in a tight hug, squeezing her.

Eleven giggled and hugged him back. Mike gave her a small squeeze which made her laugh, and she wriggled out of his grip and sat back down on the waiting room chairs.

Mike sat down next to her and turned to her.

"You know, I missed you. I know that we aren't really dating and we kind of ended on a bad note, but I really missed not having you around. You're one of my closest friends." Mike told her.

"I really missed you too.."


{Word Count: 736}

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