Nobody Compares (ON HOLD.)

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Cher's POV:

"HARRY PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as he continued to tickle me while I was in his arms.

"No way." Harry smirked

I was now laughing uncontrollably as I was in his arms, I was laughing so hard that tears were pouring out of the corner of my eyes.

"Guys, enough! We need to work now." Demi said, interrupting my laughter.

"Demi saved you this time." Harry stuck his tongue out at Demi before putting me back down on my feet.

"You're such a loser." I stuck my tongue out at Harry

"Thanks by the way." I grinned at Demi, she rolled her eyes.

Cheryl, our manager, suddenly came into the room.

"Sorry, I'm late." Cheryl said

"It's alright." Ariana smiled

"Where are Eleanor and Danielle?" Cheryl asked

"They're a wee bit late, Danielle is Eleanor's ride." I said

"Oh alright, I guess we can wait for them." Cheryl sighed

"Harry, I think you need to leave, this is a band meeting. Sorry." Cheryl let out a tiny frown

"S'Okay" he grinned sheepishly

I waved him goodbye and blew him a kiss, I watched him as he pretended to catch it, waved goodbye back, and left.

"We're here!" Danielle yelled

"Great." Cheryl said as she motioned for Danielle and Eleanor to sit down.

"Sorry for being late by the way, someone forgot to stop by the gas station yesterday." Eleanor said as she shot Danielle a glare

Danielle's cheeks turned a bright pink and she let out a giggle.

"Alright girls, how many songs have you written?" Cheryl said excitedly

"I actually wrote an album..." I smiled

"That's great." Cheryl said

"What about you?" She said as she looked directly at Ariana

"Well, um, I wrote two songs." Ariana said

"Demi?" Cheryl asked

"I wrote one song." Demi sighed

"Good but I need more. Same goes for you, Ariana." Cheryl said

"Eleanor and Danielle?" Cheryl asked

"Well I wrote three songs and an album." Eleanor shrugged


"I wrote six songs so far." Danielle grinned

"Overall, you girls did a good job. Keep it up. For those of you who need to write more, I will give you a lot of time but you can ask for help from the other girls if you need to." Cheryl smiled at us

"Yeah!" We cheered and high fived each other.

"Now girls, you will all take turns and sing each of your songs." Cheryl said

"Ugh" I groaned

We all took turns, first it was Ariana's, then it was Eleanor's, then it was mine, then it was Danielle's and then it was Demi's.

"Well done! You guys have done great, but I need you to step it up."

"We're done with the meeting, you are now free to leave." Cheryl said

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