31. Waiting for a Letter

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Hey Charlie

I miss you! I hope we can see each other soon; it feels like years since the last time I saw you!
How are you? Did you need to use the healing charms your mum taught you, I sure hope not.
How's it going with the Swedish Short-Snout, Helga? Is she still having trouble flying?

The twins haven't driven me mad, yet, ha-ha. No, they actually helped me a lot with potions and to everyone's surprise safely experimenting. Last time I wrote you, I informed you that I would attend the potions class with the twins. And it's going great! They are even paying attention in class and getting good grades. Your mum is going to lose it! I still don't know what elective classes I'm going to take next year, there are still three that I'm interested in. I hope I find out which one will suit me best at the end of the year.

Besides wanting to know how you are, I write to you with a question for myself. The twins' birthday is coming sooner rather than later, and I don't know what to get them... Do I just get some more pranks, muggle or magical? I don't know, I'm at a total loss, especially after what they did for my birthday. Oh, I so wished you where here. But HELP! You're their older brother, you should know what they would like.

Send a reply as soon as possible.

Be safe!


Hermione had sent the letter to Charlie about two weeks ago and she was still waiting on a reply. Her eyes were searched the owls overhead, hoping to spot one that had his focus on her. But no, another day without a letter from a certain Weasley. She sighed disappointment as she looked down at her plate. She frowned as she saw her oatmeal glitter for a moment before it turned back to normal. Hermione held her book in front of her eyes as she subtly searched the crowd for the culprit. It didn't take long before she found her, the Ravenclaw who kept shooting glares at her, trying to defend her friend for some reason. Hermione leaned into Fred, who turned away from his conversation with Lee with a raised eyebrow.

"Can you cause a distraction?"

"What kind of question is that." He chuckled, before he looked at her serious. "Why?"

"I told you about Oaklee's friend. No, don't look." She placed her hand on his cheek, so he couldn't look at the Ravenclaw table. Fred's eyes were wide as he looked at her. "She tried to spike my oatmeal when I wasn't looking. I need a distraction, so I can switch it."

A grin crept on Fred's face as she lowered her hand. "Oh, a distraction you'll get. Oi, George!" He called over his shoulder to his twin. "Plan Sprinkles!"

"Now?" He asked surprised while the rest asked confused. "Sprinkles?"

The twins jumped up and ran to the doors of the great hall, they hid behind the large doors so the teachers couldn't spot them, before they took out little triangular boxes out of their boxes. With a tap of their wands, the top burst open.

Hermione looked at the doors the twins disappeared behind, and when she heard Fred say sprinkles, she thought about rainbow sprinkles to decorate cakes or something. Not a giant gush of water that soaked everyone that sat in the near vicinity of the front doors. But the plan had worked, Hermione saw the Ravenclaw, stand on her tip toes as she glanced at the doors. With a small wave of her wand, she switched the dishes without anyone noticing it as all eyes were on the large water sprinklers. Hermione looked down at her oatmeal and casted a diagnostic spell on it to be sure before she started eating, just as the water stopped and the twins disappear from the doors. Once the great hall settled down again and the Prefects cleaned up the water, the twins walked back in, pretending not to know what happened. Hermione smiled as Fred sat back down next to her.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now