Chapter 1

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Word count - 1827
Shāyú's POV

"Uhh hello? It any one here," I call out to no one.

As expected, no one answers.

I wonder up to the stage.

I notice a wooden pole with a latter attached to it leading to a loft area above the stage.

I climb up the ladder, I'm sure no one will care if I explore the theatre.

The loft has a big pile of blankets and a sky light.

I creep closer to the pile of blankets, a gust of wind sends chills down my spine.

I freeze when I notice someone sleeping in the pile of blankets.

Being stupid I decide to get closer to see who the person is.

"It's a puppet," I say to myself, "why'd someone leave a puppet in a theater?"

I got over to the spot where the moonlight is shining in.

I've always liked looking at the stars, it's peaceful.

I lay down looking at the twinkling stars.

The stars start to blur together as I let the cold arms of sleep grab on to me.

Time skip

I wake up to something kicking my tail.

"Hey! Wake up right this instant! Why are you in my theater," a boy yells at me.

I slowly open my eyes and turn around to see the puppet from last night.

"Oh my god! The puppets alive!" I yell rolling away.

"I am the great Fantoccio! And I demand to know why you are in my theater!" The puppet says.

"How are you alive!" I yell grabbing my shoe holding it up defensively.

"You answer me first!" Fantoccio says.

"I was lost and kinda don't have any where to stay," I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Seriously! For the love of hamlet," he says.

"Now answers my question!" I say.

"I have a magical gem in my chest," he says putting down his shirt to show off the gem, "now leave my theater."

"No!" I say standing up putting my hands on my hips.

"Leave!" He says.

"Make me!" I say smirking.

"Ok," he says smirking at me.

Suddenly strings grab onto my wrist and ankles making me walk over to the latter I used to get up.

"Oh no! Witch!" I yell acting like a town's person during the Sanderson witch trials, "what shall I do! Should I hang tho or burn tho at the steak!"

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