Chapter 2

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Word count - 1386
Shāyú's POV

It's been 2 months since I first stumbled across the theater. Ive put aside trying to get home to focus on the play. We've decided it's ready to preform.

I'm out hanging up the fliers fantoccio made. He can't leave so he asked if I could hang up the fliers

"Shāyú!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me, I turn around to see its Lilith my sister.

"Lilith!" I say shocked.

"Shāyú!!!!" She yells running towards me, I hold out a hand signaling for her not to hug me.

"What are you doing here," I ask.

"I'm getting groceries, where have you been!?" She says.

"I got lost and couldn't find my way home so I stayed the night at an abandoned theater that didn't end up being abandoned. There's actually a puppet living there and he's been letting me stay there till I find my way home," I quickly sum up, "and now we're preforming a play tomorrow night."

"A puppet?" She says, "are you on something?"

"No, he's a puppet that was brought to life by one of the gems," I say.

"Well your coming with me now," she says dragging me away by the arm.

"I've gotta finish putting up the fliers," I say.

"That can wait, mom and dad have been worried sick about you," she says.

"Fine," I say snatching my hand away, "I can walk by myself."

"Ok," she says.

She tells me about how she's been, apparently she broke up with her girlfriend. She's also decided to get chest surgery so she can actually feel like a girl. I remember the first day she came out to me as trans, she thought I'd think she was weird but I never thought that. I taught her how to use makeup to make her look more feminine and let her wear my clothes.

I see my parents house up in the distance, it doesn't seem like home though.

"This has to be quick, I told fantoccio I wouldn't be to long," I say.

"You know mom," Lilith says opening the door, "guess who's back."

"Shāyú!" My little sister, Mae, yells hugging my leg.

"Shāyú," my mom says tears welled up in her eyes as she quickly hugs me.

"Hi mom," I say.

"Where have you been," she say cupping my face.

"It's a long story, you best sit down for, where's dad," I ask.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Mae yells running off to a separate room.

Me, mom, and Lilith sit down on the couch.

I hear heavy footsteps come my way, I'd recognize them anywhere.

My dad walked in the room holding Mae on his shoulder.

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