Challenge of the samurai part 3

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Narrator:When we last saw Ash and Jake, they had just encountered a boy who calls himself Samurai who challenges them to a Pokémon match. Green was able to defeat Samurai easily. But when Ash battled Samurai, his Pidgeotto was easily defeated by his Pinsir due to it already being exhausted. Luckily he was able to defeat Pinsir using spearow flight capabilities. Then Ash and Samurai battled with Metapod and spearow which lasted the whole afternoon. Suddenly a swarm of Beedrills appear

[The swarm of Beedrills got closer to the group and Samurai]

Green:Samurai's right. It is a swarm of Beedrill.

[Ash took out his Pokédex to look up info on Beedrills]

Ash's Pokédex: Beedrill. This Pokémon is an evolved form of Weedle, following its Kakuna stage. It's sting is highly poisonous.

Samurai:The Weedle that got away from you has informed the rest of it's kind. Good day!

[Just then one of the Beedrills swooped in and grabs Spearow]

Lexus:Oh no! Ash, one of them got your Spearow!

Ash:Spearow, return now! [said Ash as he tries to return Spearow to it's Poké Ball. Unfortunately, Ash misses as he tries to do that. The Beedrill that has Spearow goes deeper into the forest.]

Ash:It got away [said Ash in dismay. One the Beedrill charged at him. Green saw this]. Green:Bulbasaur, knock that Beedrill away with your Tackle!

Bulbasaur:Bulbasaur! [said his starter as it knocks the Beedrill away with it's Tackle. Then another Beedrill flew at them. Ash's Chairmander unleashed it ember attack which also burns Ash as he was too close in range. This scares it off and leaves Ash in a daze dusts off smoke]

Green:Come on. Let's move it [said Green as he dragged Ash away]
[ Bulbasaur takes off following them ]

Lexus:Hey, wait for me! [said Lexus as she runs after them]

[The group were running away from the Beedrill swarm that were chasing them]

[Ash was looking around the forest. He was worried about his spearow].

Ash:But... spearow [he said in worry]

[Holds his hand more Gently ]Green:We'll worry about Metapod later, Ash. Right now, we need to lose these Beedrills!" [said Green as he, Bulbasaur, and Lexus picked up the pace.]

[It wasn't long until they caught up to Samurai who is still running. The Beedrill swarm was still hot on their tail.]

Lexus:They're gaining on us!

Green:Then we better run faster!

Bulbasaur:Bulbasaur! [said Bulbasaur as it kept running]

[As the group continue to run faster to get away from the swarm, Samurai then hid behind a bush. Ash Green, their Pokémon, and Lexus also joined him behind the bush. The Beedrills flew past the bush as the group was sighed in relief.]

Lexus:I think we're safe.

Green:I wouldn't be too sure of that [said Green as he looks ahead. The group also look in front of them. It was a tree with many yellow cocoon like Pokémon]

Samurai:It's a whole hive of Kakunas[whispered Samurai]

[Ash takes out his Pokédex and scans the Kakunas]

Ash's Pokédex:Kakuna, a transitional stage between Weedle and Beedrill. Kakunas remain inactive until they evolve into deadly Beedrills and hatch.

[Green then notices something by the tree]

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