The Tower of Terror

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Narrator:Having left Saffron City, the gang are now heading to Lavender Town so that Ash can capture a Ghost Pokémon. As they continue down the trail, a fog comes in.

Ash:The fog's coming in. And that's not good.

Green:You got that right. It's so thick that we can barely see anything.

Fern:Ivysaur [Fern replied as it squint it's eyes through the fog]

Ash:We better be super careful, we gotta make sure we don't get separated. [Ash told his friends]

Misty:Maybe this is an omen. Maybe we should forget about catching a Ghost Pokémon. [Misty said nervously]

Brock:We've come too far! Everybody, let's hold hands and stay together.

Misty:Okay.[Misty said as she held Ash's hand]


Lexus:Do we really have to hold hands?

Green:If we don't want to get separated from each other, then we should.

Lexus:Um. Okay.

[She and Green both took out their hands and held on to each other. They then continue to walk ahead].

[Unfortunately, Brock is the only one that doesn't have anyone to hold hands with]

Brock:Hey, Ash! Where are you? [the former Pewter gym leader asked]

Ash:Up here! [Ash answered]

Brock:What do you mean 'here'?

Ash:Right here!

[Due to the fog, Brock thought he sees Ash's hand in front of Charmander tail ]

Brock:Ah, there!

[He reaches over to take Ash's hand, but instead he grabs Charmander tail by mistake. Alarmed, Charmander begins to blast a flamethrower on Brock. Everyone was startled as Brock yelled in pain. They turn to see Brock had fallen over and Charmander on top of him]

Green:Oh. It's just Brock.

Lexus:Thank goodness.

Fern:Saur saur [Fern replied]

Green:Looks like he must've grabbed Charmander by mistake.

Misty:Brock! Don't you know how scared it makes me when you yell like that?!" Ash:Well, you guys, you sure scared me! [Ash said as he begins to laugh spookily] Misty:Say what!? [Misty yelled as she backed away just as Brock recovered from Charmander's attack]

Green:Are you feeling okay, buddy? [Green asked as he felt a little nervous by his friend's behavior]

Ash:I'm feeling like a ghost myself. [Ash said as he turns around with a skeleton mask on his face]Bleh!

[Everyone screamed at this. Lexus and Green were hugging each other while Fern covered it's eyes. Ash chuckles at scaring his friends].

Ash:Sorry, guys! I was just testing you.[he said as he removed the mask]If we're gonna try to catch a Ghost Pokémon, we gotta learn to deal with fear. That's the only way we're gonna become great Pokémon trainers.

[Lexus and Green were annoyed]

Green:That wasn't funny, Ash!

Lexus:You nearly scared us half to death!

[Realizing that they are still hugging each other, Jake and Green let go. Misty and Brock on the other hand were very furious]

Misty:YOU MUST BE CRAZY! [the Cerulean gym leader bellowed]

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