Harellan - West Hill

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Something was wrong - Adaia hid in the rafters, looking down on the elven woman who had been at the Prince's side, suspecting her of the problems she had been struck with.


The other agents who had been snuck in to make sure Maric's plan went off without a hitch had disappeared. If not for Lady Fallyn's training and the enchanted ring she'd been provided, she would have been among those who vanished. The Assassin was bleeding out in the room she had been cleaning when she was attacked, and she immediately went to track the others, finding only Katriel left.

Someone else approached, and Adaia held her breath, listening closely.

"You are Katriel," he said, his accent clipped and foreign.

"Not Orlesian or Ferelden..." she tried to get a better look at him without giving herself away.

"And you are Severan's man."

"You should not mention our benefactor's name so casually, elf," the man sounded annoyed.

"And you should remember who it is that has delivered this fortress to you," Katriel retorted. "I'm assuming you've dealt with all my fellow agents by now?"

"We waited until last night, per your instructions, but one is unaccounted for," he replied.

"Which one?"

"The red-headed elf," he said. "Adaia?"

"She could prove a problem," Katriel murmured. "She has the ear of the dragon-keepers and is the general's right hand. She must be dealt with as soon as possible, lest she tip off the Prince."

Katriel reached into her surcoat and handed the man something.

"I suppose it doesn't matter; she has no way of stopping things once they begin," she said. "They have been marching in small groups in the hills and will be in place by this morning. As I promised, they will attack as soon as the gates are opened."

"They are opening now," came the cold response. "A great force is hiding beyond the western ridge, ready to strike. They will be crushed. Severan will be pleased-"

Adaia silently slipped away and tried to calm her racing heart. "A trap! I ... How will I warn them?"

She noticed a bird watching her and recalled it had been with Fallyn last they spoke.

"If there is a problem, and the army must not strike, speak fjandí and myself or Murtagh will know."

"Fjandí!" she whispered frantically towards the bird, which took off and quickly flew away while she tried to sneak towards the stables.

"O Maker, hear my cry: Guide me through the blackest nights. Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked. Make me to rest in the warmest places," Adaia whispered frantically as she quickly threw a halter onto a horse and guided it as quietly as possible out of the stables and towards a side gate she knew was unguarded.

The bird would warn the army if she were right - but she couldn't rely on maybes.

As soon as she was far enough from the walls, she urged the horse into a full gallop, holding on for dear life as she hadn't time to fit it with a saddle before escaping.

She was almost shot at as she spotted the first sight of the camp but pulled her horse to an abrupt stop as the General stepped out.

"What are you doing?" he demanded. "You had a duty!"

"We've been betrayed, Ser General," she said. "Maker preserve us, we've been betrayed."

His eyes, sharp under his dark brow, narrowed.

"Follow me," he said curtly as she quickly dismounted and jogged to catch up.

Before they could get far, the sound of more hooves thundering towards them drew their eye.

It was Lady Rowan, her hair streaming behind her, face twisted in terror.

"Maker preserve us," Adaia whispered.

A deafening roar shook the trees, spooking horses as a red shape descended on the fortress.

Age of the Dragon 5: Dragons, Riders, and KingsWhere stories live. Discover now