chapter 4 the fourth hour

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I got took to the hospital the doctor said the reason I kept collapsing is because I had cancer.

I started to cry and so did my friends. I gave Jack, Emilia, Abbie and Lewis a hug before they had to leave. The doctors gave me a diary to write my thoughts and feelings in while I stayed at the hospital.

The next day my friends came in crying the doctor had told them because they have found the cancer so late they can't do anything about it all they can do is keep me alive for a certain amount of time. I started to cry and gave Emilia and Abbie a big hug but not as big as the one I gave Jack. I couldn't believe I was going so soon I was only twelve and my thirteenth birthday was only in a month.

Days went by and I was getting closer and closer to passing away. My friends came in for the last time because of there tests and homework but they said they will try come visit me. The doctor came in and told my friends to leave. The doctor told me I only had a week to live. I cried so much I was soaked in tears. It sounds to me like my family have been curesd. My dad died when I was young, my brother died of a heart problem, and my mum died of getting shot. I feel my life is just a horror story that is about to end.


Sorry it's a short chapter but the next chapters are her last week

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