XII. He locked himself up since the morning

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Jimin was sitting with a glass of pear juice alone at a corner. Ever since Tae left, Jungkook haven't contacted Jimin. It was Kai from whom Jimin learnt about Tae's death. He cried for a whole week after hearing the description of Kai.He wondered how can someone do it to an angel like Tae.

But he was shocked when he heard that JK didn't shed a single tear. Rather he became colder and calmer and that's really dangerous. He was a renowned school bully and after Tae left, he became crueler. Jimin heard from Kai that Jungkook became worst tormentor of underworld. 

When it comes to questioning the hostages, no one can ever be his match. He is defined as the Maniac Mafia King. Anyone caught by JK would pray his heart out for his own death rather than getting a despicable torture by this crazy tormentor. He has become so powerful in these three years. 

Now as he finally took over the power officially, he threw a party at a bar he owned. All these years Jimin stayed in USA for studies. He graduated this year and decided to come back for some days. Yeonjun wanted to come too but he had exams so he couldn't. Jimin came here alone.

Just like old days, none of JK's family or friends knew about his occupation except Jimin and Kai. Kai joined JK's gang last year. He invited Jimin on behalf of JK tonight.

Kai: You came already? Why didn't you call me?
Jm: I was enjoying alone.
Kai: Yah, pear juice at a bar, you're enjoying so well.
Jm: What about you King? He's the host, right? He should be here all the time.
Kai: He won't be coming tonight any sooner. He locked himself up since the morning.
Jm: For what!
Kai: God knows. Oh, I recalled just now. You gotta do something.
Jm: What's that?
Kai: Keeping Yoongi Hyung busy. He's coming home tomorrow. This time he's gonna come back for good I guess.
Jm: But I won't be here for long. And...... I can't possibly keep him busy for all time, can I?
Kai: Only three days you need to keep him away from JK. JK would leave with you for Paris after three days.

Jimin put down his goblet and looked at Kai with shocked eyes.

Jm: How do you know that I'm leaving for Paris?
Kai: Well, I'm the information manager of Mafia King. It didn't cost me any sweat to dig up a simple thing like this. And you're gonna meet someone from entertainment industry, aren't you? Our target is in entertainment industry this time. So, we'll be looking forward to~(cut by Jimin)
Jm: Wait up! I'm not gonna get my ass stuck with you fucking Mafias, ok? Don't you dare to pull me in this dunk mess.
Kai: (chuckled) Rest assured, you won't get involved. We just need a small favor from you.
Jm: Don't you even try to pull dirty tricks, bloody Kai!

Kai smirked and was about to say something~

??: Sir, we need to go, its urgent.
Kai: Already? Ah! I can't even get a proper off day. (looking at Jimin) Hyung, I gotta go! Please keep Yoongi Hyung busy these days. JK said he will reward you handsomely. (winked)

Jimin rolled eyes and Kai left with the man.

Jimin's POV: These little brats! Ah~ my precious vacation is gone for good this time. I don't wanna get involved but..... that dumbo is not someone to involve any friend with his life for no reason. This time he's the one asking for help, it proves how desperate he is. After all Yoongi Hyung is the only person he's afraid of. Well I need to help this dumb ass. After that awkward incident, I didn't talk to Yoongi hyung as I forgot to ask for his contact number. No problem, it happened years ago, not worthy of clinging onto. This time I would show him my special talent. Keeping that sleepy head aka Yoongi Hyung busy is not something hard for me anyway. (smirked) 


Soobin: Hyung! We should be get going.
JK: Hmm, I got it.
Soobin: You didn't get anything at all, Hyung! We must be there, you're the host tonight.
JK: You know today's date, Binnie?

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