XXI. Looks like I got some old rags to deal with

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It's been quite a few day Taehyung and Jungkook started living together. Firstly it's convenient to follow the schedule this way, for both of them, as the idol and his bodyguard practically stay with each other all day long.

Taehyung has been trying to remember different things regarding their past with the help of Jungkook. It's not really reminisce, more like listening to the love story assuming himself as the lover of the protagonist. With the busy schedule he has now a days, its already hard to get some time for themselves. Being absorbed in the thoughts of love and romance seems nothing more than dreams to Tae. Jungkook can't do anything either. He's just a junior he accepted, can only follow him around.

With a lot of effort, Tae actually managed to find some free time for them but it all was snatched by his damned responsibility as the Flake Prince. He was called out by Bogum.

JK: Why that bubble gum called you?

Tae: Shut up, Kook! He's my brother

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Tae: Shut up, Kook! He's my brother. You must call him Hyung. Save him some face, will you? Don't always plan to bully people like you own them.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he entered the car. He knows well what Bogum is, to Taehyung. But his jealous ass never listens to the fact. He hates the way Tae treats him. Why would he have to treat his brother like his idol! He's not even as cool as Jungkook! How dare that coward dog turns into the prince himself! Though he's not the flake prince, but still a prince! If that brat can become a prince, then Jungkook definitely deserves to be the King.

He became the Mafia King and had been skillfully handled the whole empire even when he was an under aged. Isn't that enough to prove his capabilities to lead the Kingdom? Just because Bogum was born noble, he could become the prince with that silly brain of an idiot. Meanwhile Jungkook, despite of having all the best qualities of an emperor, literally turned into a white fluffy rabbit in their world. Isn't it what we call the greatest injustice on earth and heaven! Now, this Flake Prince wants Jungkook to accompany him to run errands of his mind blowing stupid brother. Seriously?

Hence, cursing his twisted fate inside, Jungkook actually ended up joining Tae to the meeting spot Bogum fixed. Being busy like bees for last few days, Taehyung totally forgot to mention the incidents happened recently. So, when he went to meet Bogum with his bodyguard with him, Bogum was a bit surprised and insisted to keep him out of the meeting room. 

But Taehyung was determined to pull Jungkook inside. And of course none of them bothered to inform Bogum about their past accounts as form mates. Tae's reason was he was not in a mood and Jungkook was silent because Tae didn't seem to wanna mention it.

Tae: So, what's wrong this time?
Bogum: Well, it's a bit complicated. You remember our general port to travel through two dimensions?
JK: You mean Earth and Flake Kingdom?
Bogum: Sort of. So, this system is not allowing anyone to use it anymore. It demands for the Prince.
Tae: For me?
Bogum: Right! It wants you to go through it.
JK: But doesn't he already have his own teleportation method?
Bogum: He has and that's why its weird. But we can't ignore him. If we can't take out those disciples of imperial college, I'm afraid they'd all die.
Tae: What!!!! What happened to the imperial college?
Bogum: What else? Attacked by the kingdom of Flare.

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