Chapter 2.2

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Mike's perspective:

In the midst of a restless sleep, my dreams spiraled into a nightmarish journey. I found myself back in the desolate, post-apocalyptic world I had come to know - a world devoid of hope and crumbling in chaos. The once-familiar landscapes had been ravaged by devastation, and the looming presence of a relentless sandstorm threatened to consume everything in its path.

As the grains of sand battered against me, I struggled to navigate through the blinding tempest, every step fraught with desperation. It was a fight for survival, a battle to escape the unrelenting fury of the storm. And then, as if shifting dimensions, I found myself thrust into a different world, one altogether strange and unsettling.

There, standing before me, was the ominous figure of the commander. His laughter echoed through the air, chilling me to the core, as I realized that I had unwittingly stepped into a realm of enigma and peril. The transition between these two worlds had shaken me to my core, and the sinister presence of the commander left me with a haunting sense of foreboding.

In the dream, we found ourselves in a breathtaking and tranquil place, a haven of beauty that seemed too perfect to be real. Lush gardens stretched before us, filled with vibrant colors and soothing melodies of nature. But as we gazed upon this idyllic landscape, an unsettling realization began to take hold.

The perfection surrounding us was beginning to decay, the vibrant colors fading, and the harmonious sounds turning discordant. The world we had once admired was unraveling before our very eyes, transforming into a gaping void, a menacing black hole.

Panic gripped us as we desperately sought a means of escape, but our efforts were futile. The dark abyss slowly drew us in, consuming everything in its path, until we were helplessly sucked into its abyss.

As we tumbled into the black hole, disoriented and disarrayed, our surroundings dissolved into a surreal maelstrom of flashing lights, images of an enigmatic woman, a strange gem, and a cascade of bizarre occurrences that defied explanation. The dream world itself seemed to unravel before us, bending and contorting in ways that transcended reality.

And then, we awoke. In the real world, our arms and legs were bound, our mouths covered and we were bound together.

A shiver ran down my spine as I overheard someone speaking in hushed tones just inches away. "The serum works. We can use this one to eliminate all the humans hiding out there." Those chilling words pierced through the air, filling me with an overwhelming cocktail of fear and anxiety. It was as if the shadow of impending doom loomed closer with each passing moment.

Moments later, we were unceremoniously tossed into a room of emptiness, landing with a harsh thud. Sophie grunted from the impact as she hit the ground face first. In the dimly lit room, we struggled against our restraints, our minds racing with desperation and uncertainty. The walls seemed to close in on us, and every second felt like an eternity.

But just as our attempts to break free seemed futile, a sudden flash of blinding light pierced the darkness. As our eyes adjusted, we were astonished to find that we were no longer alone. A pair of helping hands reached out, guiding us out of the restraints that had bound us.

We had arrived in a place unlike any other - a jail filled with other human captives. Their faces mirrored our own, a mix of confusion, fear, and a glimmer of hope.

"Guys, we found two more!" a random guy exclaimed, his voice cutting through the uneasy silence that enveloped the jail. The relief in his tone was palpable as he gestured towards us, struggling to gather our bearings.

A girl approached us with a warm, albeit weary, smile. Beside her, a bulky man was focused on tending to Sophie's wound, his hands deftly working to ease her pain. "Hi my name is Celeste. The man who is treating Sophie's wound is Daniel." the girl said.

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