Chapter 3.4

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Mike's Perspective

Surprisingly, we are in a different place. Not in my house nor Sophie's house but in the middle of a highway just scraping the outside of the city. Sophie felt dizzy as she was walking around looking like a drunk while I have no idea what just happened.

After a rest, we asked each other what we were going to do. After a series of back and forth, we finally decided that we call a cab from our money, go home and plan things out tomorrow. We are getting out of this dimension.


Upon my return to the house, I found myself face to face with my "mom." It seemed that in this peculiar reality, I was leading a conventional existence. As expected, venturing out late into the night elicited a scolding from her - a typical parental reaction. Despite being grounded for my tardiness, my resolve remained steadfast; I remained undeterred by her reprimands, for our paramount goal persisted: escaping this thing.

After stealthily slipping out of the confines of the house, I rendezvoused with Sophie, who was in the midst of preparing for our next endeavor. The pressing matter at hand: locating the teleportation device essential for navigating to another universe. Regrettably, its current whereabouts eluded us.

Sophie proposed retracing our steps to the Infinidose building, where we had previously found ourselves in both peril and fortune. While apprehensive about revisiting the site of our past capture, Sophie reminded me of our triumphant escape from its clutches, instilling a glimmer of confidence in her plan. However, uncertainty lingered as we weighed the risks against the potential rewards of returning to the scene of our earlier misadventure.

As the night pressed on, we stealthily made our way back to the imposing edifice of the Infinidose building in pursuit of our elusive objective. Methodically, we combed through each floor of the towering structure, employing evasive maneuvers to outwit both security personnel and surveillance systems, sabotaging cameras to maintain our covert operation.

Our meticulous strategy served us well until we reached the penultimate floor, where a concealed door concealed a clandestine elevator. Venturing inside, our anticipation peaked as the sought-after device finally came into view. With a surge of determination, I lunged forward to claim our salvation, only to be ensnared by a treacherous trap.

A jolt of electricity coursed through my body upon contact with the device, rendering me incapacitated and prone on the cold, unforgiving floor. Sophie rushed to my aid, but before darkness enveloped my senses, I caught sight of a familiar figure looming ominously nearby. With a final warning, "behind you," I succumbed to the engulfing void.

Awakening to a shroud of impenetrable darkness, I grappled with the disorienting notion that perhaps I was still ensconced within the clutches of sleep. However, the stark reality of my surroundings soon became undeniable – Sophie's absence and the sole beacon of illumination, a solitary yellow light, cast eerie shadows in the void.

Summoning my resolve, I ventured towards the elusive glow, its tantalizing allure leading me on a surreal journey through the darkness. With each hesitant step, the distance seemed to elongate, testing my patience until, at long last, I reached out to grasp it, only to find it dissolve into illusion.

In an instant, the darkness gave way to a cascade of light, revealing the enigmatic figure of Voltar before me. Rather than hostility, his demeanor exuded an unexpected hospitality, inviting me to settle into a seat as he presented a humble offering of nachos and iced tea.

Caught between confusion and curiosity, I complied, drawn into a surreal encounter with the enigmatic Voltar amidst the surreal backdrop of this mysterious realm.

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