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POV Yeji

An extremely loud noise woke me up, the noise repeated, but this time it came from the hallway on the second floor of the house. I got out of bed and slowly opened the door, when I went out into the hallway no one was there, but after I blinked I saw how William was holding Ryujin with a knife near her neck, he pressed it lightly causing drops of blood to come out of my girlfriend's neck.

-"You don't have to do that..." -I slowly approached them- "Please let her go, I beg you" -I almost went on my knees.

-"It's too late now" -William said, cutting the girl's neck even more.

-"No!" -I opened my eyes quickly, sitting up on the bed. I looked everywhere but everything was blurry.

-"Yeji what's wrong?" -the voice of the girl next to me made me slowly begin to distinguish her face. Ryujin turned on the light on the nightstand and slowly touched my back.

My breathing was heavy- "I had a nightmare" -I turned to look at Ryujin and worriedly asked- "Are you okay?" -lifted the sheets and analyzed her body looking for wounds or blood anywhere. But the only thing she had was her pajamas- "Are you okay?" -I asked again.

-"I'm completely fine..."

Her words calmed me, I let my back fall onto the mattress again. I touched my girlfriend's arms and hands several times to make sure this was real and not a nightmare within another.

-"I'm sorry for waking you up" -I saw the clock next to me, it was two in the morning. Ryujin lay down, watching me, while I looked at the ceiling.

-"I'm worried Yeji... are you okay?"

-"I am because you are" -I took a couple of deep breaths.

-"What happened?" -her voice calms me.

-"I need to tell you something"

-"Sure, tell me" -my girlfriend made sure to take one of my hands before I talked.

-"A year ago, when I still lived in New York, I had a best friend named William Carter. He and I have known each other since high school, we became friends very quickly and spent almost all day together, we were never a couple or anything like that, he was gay and I... well" -I have her full attention- "After we went out to celebrate one of his birthdays, we returned to my family's penthouse because that day we had planned to rob my father's bar. I never thought our friendship would be easy to break, but after the fight we had that night, I realized our friendship was more fragile than I imagined"

(Start of flashback)

-"I think I'm drunk" -William said, almost falling off his feet.

-"I think you had enough" -I tried to take the whiskey bottle from his hands but he held on to it causing me to fall onto one of the small collectors statues my dad had in his office- "Shit! My dad is going to kill me" -I said looking at the millions of pieces of marble on the wooden floor- "You are an idiot!"

-"Don't worry Yeji" -he almost fell again- "You can buy it with your black credit card or even better, your father can buy another one, he's loaded" -he's laughing his lungs out but I don't find it funny.

-"You should have been more careful! If only you handed me the bottle of whiskey this wouldn't have happened"

-"Ok, you should chill" -his words pissed me even more- "That statue is something money can replace and thankfully our families have plenty"

-"Just because my parents now have millions of dollars, doesn't mean I squander money like you do" -I picked up the pieces from the floor carefully- "My parents have worked hard to make their money, we don't inherit our fortune like your parents did"

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