Bullied - Hyunlix

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Hyunjin was a powerful businessman who ran a successful company. He was a no-nonsense kind of guy, unafraid to take on the world. He was also a kind man, always willing to help those in need.

One day, Hyunjin met Felix, a young college student. Felix was a gentle soul, but he was often bullied by his peers. Hyunjin was instantly drawn to Felix and wanted to help him.

Hyunjin began to take Felix under his wing, teaching him how to stand up for himself and fight back against his bullies. Hyunjin also offered Felix financial help, ensuring he had enough money to complete his degree.

As Felix blossomed under Hyunjin's care, the two grew closer. Hyunjin was Felix's protector, always willing to step in and help him out when it was needed.

Eventually, Hyunjin found out that Felix was still being bullied. He was furious and made sure that the bullies knew exactly who they were dealing with. Hyunjin used his powerful connections to make sure that the bullies were reprimanded and Felix was left alone.

From then on, Hyunjin and Felix were inseparable. Hyunjin had given Felix the courage to stand up for himself, and Felix had given Hyunjin the reminder that even a powerful man can still be kind. Together, they were an unstoppable team.

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