Shots Fired

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Cody's pov:

I wake up on a couch, not similar to mine. It's more small, like, it feels like the size that my dog would sleep on. I get up to the biggest head-ache ever. Actually, ouch!

I sit up really fast, wondering where I am. This doesn't look like my house... Wait a minute. Who's house am I in?! Oh my god, I've been kidnapped! What the hell happened last night?!

"Oh, It's up." I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned around to see that, it's Noah?

"Noah?! And real funny." I responded. "What the hell am I doing here?!" I freaked out. Shhh, my siblings are sleeping." Noah fussed, "your here cause I brought you here. You were wasted." Noah said. I furrowed my eyebrows at that. "I mean, you were crying all over me and I started feeling bad." Noah switched up.

"Oh, so the tough guy has feelings?" I joked. "Shut the hell up. Here, borrow my clothes cause we got school in the next hour." Noah said handing me his clothes.

I never knew Noah could be this nice. I mean, it seems like he has a soft spot for me now. I'm kind of digging it. Wait, nevermind. I don't swing that way.

I went to the bathroom and got dressed. These clothes smell like him, his cologne I mean. It kind of fits me, but at the same time it's kind of baggy. I fixed my hair in the bathroom and put on some deodorant.

I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. It was a girl who looked older than Noah. I realized it was one of his siblings, they look alike.

"Noah, get your little boyfriend. What did I tell you about today? I need to listen to my Born to Die playlist while I take my bath and have a Me day." Noah's sister said, I was shocked at that remark, ummm okay, go you I guess.

"Shut it monkey, we're not even friends." Noah said rolling his eyes. "Alright, whatever you say. Plus, leave the door open." Noah's sister laughed and closed the bathroom door.

At this point I was embarrassed, Noah looked unbothered by it. I don't get how a guy like him can stand stuff like this. "Okay, let's go. I don't want a word from you." Noah said exiting his house.

"Wait up!" I said running out with him. "Do you not listen?" Noah said facing me while walking. "Sorry." I shrugged. We walked in silence, like, weird silence. I mean, I wanted to talk to him.

"Noah, what kind of books do you read?" I asked him, filling the silence. Noah sighed with annoyance, "horror and romance." he responded. "Oh really? I love books." I lied. He gave me a look, I think I was that obvious.

We arrived at the school and not even 8 am, somebody is already starting a fight. "Oh shit, I gotta record this." Noah said pulling out his phone, who know Noah would be invested with violence?

It was Duncan and Ezekiel. I don't know why, but Duncan probably started it. Noah ran up to Courtney, so I followed him. "What the hell happened?" Noah asked trying to hold in his smile.

"Duncan happened. He just started arguing with him because he bumped into Ezekiel's locker! Immature, am I right?" Courtney responded trying to pull Duncan away.

"Duncan, come on! He's not worth it." Courtney rolled her eyes as she fussed at her boyfriend. "Get off!" Duncan said pushing Courtney away from him. I gasped as he did that, Noah looked so mad.

"Bitch?! What the hell?" Noah said pushing Duncan. And just as he did that I saw Ezekiel reaching for something in his bag. I realized right then and there what was happening. "Don't ever touch me like that again! Do you hear me?!" Courtney said slapping the shit out of Duncan, the crowd gasped.

"Noah, come on!" I said trying to pull Noah away from the scene. "What Cody?!" Noah said looking at me. Just as he did Ezekiel pulled out a gun. Noah looked when the crowd went silent. "Oh shit, that bitch got a gun!" Noah exclaimed. The hallways filled with screams as the first bullet was shot, all the officers came out.

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