Best Friends Shit

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Noah's Pov:

Alright, Cody's a bitch, Bridgette's a bitch, at this point, I don't even know what. I can't wait for this, revenge is mine. I always will get the last laugh, I just got to make this believable.

"Okay, Court. Make the text messages. Gwen, make the papers. Eva, have my back." I ordered. "Okay, so like I will need your phone. To make you text yourself and name the contact." Courtney said. "Sure, whatever. I'll tell you what to text." I said.

"What do you mean make the papers?" Gwen asked. "To throw around the school hall, I want it to be so everyone can read. Not like, post it in any social media." I explained. "So, technically, pull a Regina George?" She asked. "Yes, her." I said.

"Okay Noah, thanks to you, I can handle pain like easy." Eva said. "Great, how's that nose holding up?" I asked her. "Bitch, don't worry about me." Eva said. "Okay. Court, we're going to make conversations with Cody." I said to her. "Uh, why not Bridgette?" She asked. "Oh, I already handled her ass. Now, make a conversation with you and Cody. Tell him why he did what he did to me, and make him say that he's tired of me treating him like shit." I explained to her.

"Mhm, and what else?" Courtney said. "Tell him that he should really apologize and that's a really petty and bitchy thing to do. And then make him say fuck Noah and that I'm a faggot." I said. "Got it." Courtney said. "Woahhhh, hold up, you really gonna add that there?" Gwen asked. "Duhh, I practically want to ruin his life. Plus, he said it to me before in freshman year." I said looking down and playing with my hair.

"Oh, what happened?" Gwen asked. "Nothing happened, he just decided to hang out with these guys and decided to say that to me. Fuck, that's not important. What's important is this." I said. "Courtney, just add whatever, just make sure everything he says has to make him cancelled. Then make a conversation with me. Make sure you add that slur." I said pointing at her. "Yeah, I got it." She responded.

I could feel Gwen staring at me. I think she wants to talk. Like she always does, gives advice. "Emo, come with me." I said getting up from my desk chair and exiting the room. She got up and followed me. I saw my sister smoking a blunt as usual, I snatched it from her and walked outside. "Hey, what the fuck Noah?" She said as I shut the door in her face.

"So?" I said giving her the blunt, which she took, obviously not surprising. "I don't know, I feel like I need to talk to you about what you said earlier." Gwen shrugged while smoking. "It's not serious, Gwen." I said looking at her. "But it is! And you just don't know that, Noah, you were dating him and he said that to you. Your like Fiona Gallahger."  Gwen said. "The fuck did you just call me? Don't compare me to that bitch." I exclaimed.

"You're right, my bad. More like Ian." She smiled. "Stop fucking playing with me." I playfully pushed her and laughed. She handed me the blunt and I smoked it. "You ever got high before?" Gwen asked me. "Yeah, like, two or four times. I accidentally ate an edible when I was 10. Thought it was candy." I smiled at her. "Really? That's crazy." She laughed.

"You ready to go back in?" I asked her. "Yeah, let's go." She said opening the door for me. "Here, have it." I said handing my sister back her blunt from earlier. "Hah! Jokes on you, I lit up another one!" She laughed at me. "Oh shit, she's high as fuck, let's go before she starts dancing out of nowhere." I said rushing Gwen to my room while burning out the weed stick on the ash tray my sister has.

Me and Gwen walk in to see Eva and Courtney looking at my phone, than looking up at me with a worried look. "What? What is it?" I asked snatching my phone from Courtney. It was a picture of me and Gwen outside at the front of my house, smoking. FROM FUCKING CODY ON FUCKING INSTAGRAM. "What the FUCK." I said storming out of my room, the girls followed me laughing while pulling out their phones. They already know, it's time to beat his ass for the second time this month.

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