the night before it happened

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Oh no what happened to them well you will know when they go out hunting for snacks to eat at midnight

Lucy POV

Me and Imogen grab our money paying for the snacks we brought which was galaxy ripple, crisps(or chips) and 2 bewitched milkshakes one vanilla one chocolate tomorrow was the day of the hide and seek and me and Imogen were the seekers so we had to be prepared for the prank we were gonna pull so we could trick them into getting slapped in the face with salami.
"Anything else we should get?? " Imogen asks
"Nah we have enough snacks for the night should we go get the boys " I say seeing someone ahead of us
"No but I think I see Jacob so we will have to hang out with him" I groan
Jacob scooters up to us breaking his bike before he hits us so we wouldn't get hurt but I already flinched back
"Hey Jacob! " me and Imogen say
"Hey guys where's Josh I heard that he's out today " he asks
"Idk where Joshua is he won't answer my calls sorry jacob" I say
"Why do you always flinch back when someone gets too close Lucy??" Imogen asks
I giggle saying "ask Joshua about that he should know" i grab onto imogens hand after Jacob whistles at us and says "ooooo you cheating on him?? " Jacob notices someone running past us whipping my phone out of my pocket I gasp turning around about to go after him but after noticing i don't know them and they look strong I back off when they try to punch me

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