at the park??

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What the hell happened to her phone guys??

Lucy POV

I groan as I walk away with Imogen while Jacob is asking me about going to get my phone which annoys me a lot when poeple ask and ask and ask it's so annoying right??

"Lucy..! " Imogen shouts
I flinch looking at her smiling laughing a bit (I actually laugh at pain it is really funny only my pain though)
"Are you okay Lucy?? " Jacob asks
"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about something Joshua did" I say
"What did he do again Lucy did he  punch you again you know I've been telling you to break up with him " Imogen says lecturing me
"No this time on Wednesday he asked for a hug do I have him one then while I hugged him he grabbed me by the neck pushing me down the floor which is why I was violently coughing on the floor after this happened" I said explaining the situation
"Ugh Lucy you need to break up with him"
"I know I know but I just can't do it I already did it once and that didn't end very well" I mumble
"Let's just hope they don't do anything bad with your phone though " Imogen says while me jacob and her  start walking to the skate park near by us
"Hey Lucy can I have a orange juice box" Jacob pleads
"No wait untill we get to the damn skate park " I reply
"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please" Jacob keeps on saying
"Ple-" Jacob gets cut of by me shouting "WAIT TILL WE GET TO THE DAMN SKATE PARK"
"Oooo someone in a mood " Jacob says
I groan at him as he's always acting childish at this moment I just hope we don't see Josh though
"Hey Lucy! " I hear someone shout
I groan replying "hey Joshua how are you"

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