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One grabbed my ass and he pulled it closer while the other one took off his shirt. The first laid me on the bed and kissed my neck. The second undid his pants and......
"I want you" he whispered in my ear. (Gasp) FUCK! I thought waking up to my car screaming wanting food. It was just a dream, ofcourse it was, the hottest men ever thought of, and they're just a dream. AGAIN. This happened to me a lot, it was always two men, ones I've never met, but knew them in 'special' ways. I never knew their name but somehow 'knew' them. "Miles stop screaming! I'm coming" I said as my cat continued to scream. I never imagined owning a cat would be so annoying.
I looked at the time. SHIT! I'M GONNA BE LATE! For context I had a job interview in an hour. I hurried to get dressed. I wore a casual outfit since it was a job at a local coffee shop. But of course you can't forget a low cut. No outfit is fit without a little cleavage. I HAVE TO HURRY! I thought as I rushed out the door, but I didn't forget to say bye to miles, I would never forget about him.
"Hey I'm Layla Summers, I'm here for the interview" I said with a smile on my face. The girl at the counter walked me back to the office where there was a guy, we talked and he asked questions. Then suddenly the interview was over. I think I hit it off, I honestly really need this job after I quit my previous job with my ex. "I'll call you and let you know if you got the job," the man who was hopefully my future boss said as I started to walk out of the shop.
But BAM! Suddenly I lock eyes with a guy, with a very familiar face. And a recognisable body. I felt drawn to him, in a way I've never felt before. I had to talk to him. But before I had a chance to walk up to him, he got up and started coming my way. I felt nervous, which is weird for me, I almost never get nervous. " Hey" the guy said, as I was internally screaming. "Hey" I said with a voice crack.
"I couldn't help but notice you, and MY GOD your gorgeous" Him saying this put me in complete shock "Thank you"
"Your not so bad yourself" I pulled myself together and winked"
"Damn I've never seen a girl be this straight forward"
"I've never seen a guy so hot" At that point it's like I lost control, like someone had taken over and was helping me.
After some flirting and number gathering I left to go home. EEEE HE WAS SO CUTE! I started to tell my cat about my day, just to clarify it's not weird to talk to your pets, it makes them happier. I then made dinner, of course I didn't forget to give miles some, and after dinner I went to bed
IT'S HIM! I gasp as I awake. I figured out why I was so drawn to him, he was one of the guys in my dreams. DING! My got a notification from a unknown number
Unknown: Goodmorning :)
It turned out to be the guy from the bar. Remembering I never asked his name, I later learned it was Jay, He called, we talked a bit, he asked me if I wanted to go on a date. Of course I accepted, who wouldn't accept a date invite from the hottest man ever.
OMG TODAYS THE DAY HELL YEAH! That was my first thought today, I woke up super early due to my excitement over the date. My cat wasn't as excited, he tried to lure me back into bed every chance he got. I took a shower, had the common thoughts I had about the guy when I didn't know him, but it just felt weird now that I actually know him. After my shower I got dressed and did my hair and make up, I wore my most casual yet scandalous dress I owned. Then once it hit 11am on a Saturday morning I headed to the park where he said to meet.
I had arrived to see him standing there in a light blue tee shirt and jeans with holes, the outfit was so simple yet perfect on him. He saw me and his face lit up, I felt special for once seeing his smile appear just from the sight of me.
The whole date we hung out at the park., walked around, got ice cream from a local vendor, basically the typical date stuff. It was a lot, and emphasis on the a lot, better then any regular date I've ever been on. By the time I checked my watch it was already 3pm, it had only felt like a minute, but I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. He invited me back to his place, but I declined.
"No thank you, i am emotionally drained from today, maybe tomorrow, I had a lot of fun though"
I was scared that saying that would scare him away but I was surprised by his support, most men don't really accept that answer, so I knew he was one of the good ones. By the end of the day I was spent, I fed miles as soon as I got home and went to bed, even though it was only 3:30. What. A girl can't sleep.

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