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y/n's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since we got home from my brother's girlfriend's place, gladly her parents didn't even doubt her a little. I was getting ready to head to school, I got ready and headed up downstairs to eat breakfast ''hey, sweetie'' my dad says ''hey, dad'' ''I wanted to say something'' ''sure go ahead.'' ''me and your mom will be gone for an important business work next week, so we won't be here for your summer vacation.. but I have told Dj and Jess to take care of you so you won't feel alone'' it made me feel sad.. but I knew they had to go and it was important ''oh how long?'' ''the whole summer, honey'' whole summer!? that was more than I thought. ''we'll talk about this when you come back from school'' my dad says. I just hummed and headed to school since I was pretty sad to say anything to them, I walked to school, and put my airpods listening to some music. I reached at my class and headed to my seat removing my airpods to get ready for school until.. ''hey, slut'' I knew who was it by the voice, it was Jaden's ex.. ava  I turned towards her. I just ignored her like she didn't even exist to me, then the teacher came in glad or else I would be on the floor. she taught her boring lessons it was chemistry. The worst one yet, class was over and I quickly went to my locker since I didn't want my mood to get worse.

I saw Javon while I was taking my stuff from my locker he ran to me hugging me, well I just felt uncomfortable so I let go of it.. ''y/n what's wrong?''Javon asks while looking concerned ''I'm okay wanna.. I just don't feel well'' I say walking away from him.  It was now recess time, I didn't felt like eating so I sat in my classroom and laid my head on the table, I couldn't bear the pain I was holding first my parents and then Jaden? I don't even know if I like him.. the hate comments, ava? I don't know anymore.

Jaden's POV:

Javon told me that y/n wasn't feeling well, and didn't even talk to him.. I was concerned for her y/n never really acted that way. She would usually talk through every problem with Jayla or Javon but she didn't was she going through something? I don't know my thought made me out of the world that I couldn't even think of myself ''JADEN JADEN JADEN!?'' I see kylee screaming at me ''kylee, why are you screaming'' I ask confused ''I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR LIKE 5 MINS'' ''oh..'' I really was out of the world uhuh. It was now recess time we all went to the cafeteria got out food but someone wasn't there.. y/n. ''where's y/n?'' kylee asks ''she texted me saying she didn't want food''Javon says,  y/n never says that she loves food.. unless she's tired of herself. I ate my food as quickly as possible after that I went to check on her since I was worried.. afterall she was my friend. I saw her laying down in the table, I went and sat next to her only to see that tears coming out of her eyes.. I felt something was breaking my heart, as if I was the one who had the pain.. ''y/n..'' she turned her head on the other side of the wall. ''jaden just go please.. you would be the last person that I would cry in front of'' I've only seen her cry one time and that's when a boy bullied her saying she was ugly when she had a big crush on him but never in 16 years of my life I thought I would ever see her cry.. ''y/n why are you holding this pain? even if you don't trust me you have Jayla? Javon? Kylee? ''J.. they aren't someone who I can always rely on, they have their own lives to live It cannot always be about me. I couldn't relate more about what she said.. maybe she was going through a lot, ''y/n tell me'' she turn towards me her eyes looking swollen really bad. '' you don't have to say it, y/n I understand.. take care of your health, that's all I want you to do be happy.'' I left I knew it would make her worse if I stayed there I went to my class and the bell rang I had chemistry with Ava.

y/n's POV:

I never thought Jaden would come and check up on me but not gonna lie, it made me feel a little more better than I was. it was now math, ''students it's important to know that, we'll be having a school trip this thursday,It will be a 2 days trip and I want all students to attend it there will be a form which I'll be giving tomorrow, make sure to fill the details and give it to me by tuesday''.      A school trip? at a moment like this... I thought to myself if I should give it a chance or not but eventually I thought I would ask my parents as well. Classes were over I got out of the school gate only to see Jayla waiting.. ''heey y/nieee'' ''oh hey.. jay (jayla's nickname)'' ''come on, I'll drop you home'' ''no-'' before I could even complete my sentence she took pulled my hand and got me in the car beside me was Jaden... he didn't look at me which was pretty usual, ''wanna come over y/n?'' Jayla asks '' uhm, no I'm busy today but thanks'' ''aww'' '' sorry'' I murmured. I thanked Jayla and bid a goodbye to her and got inside my house to see my brother, mom and dad watching a movie. I didn't say anything and went upstairs to my room showered did my skincare and got into some comfy clothes, I was thinking whether I should go to the trip or not. It would be fun but at a condition like this I don't think so. I started feeling tired suddenly guess it's probably cause I haven't eaten in hours I ate some chocolate I had in my room and went to sleep even though it was just 5:00 I still felt very tired.


I hope you liked this part! enjoyy

if you guys have any ideas, please do share itt tytytytytytyy

next part comes out tomorroww!

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