Chapter 3

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I'd been sitting on a bench for 20 minutes, I was starting to shiver "bad idea to wear shorts" I groaned, I stood up "just a waste of ti-"

"Tilly!! I'm so sorry!" Sam yelled out from behind me. I turned my whole body seeing the blonde run up to me. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive, his blonde hair shimmered in the sun that was just about setting in the distance but his ocean blue eyes stood out the most.. Those blue eyes were ocean-strong swimming with warm-sunlit colours, he was wearing black ripped jeans, a black XPLR hoodie and Black Sneakers.

"Tilly?... Tillyyy" the blonde snapped me out of my trance as I shook my head "Sorry. I got uh, distracted, anyways I just wanted to talk to you, nothing to crazy"

"I'm listening..." He'd sat down on the bench where I was sitting about 5 minutes ago, I sat down next to him, but as I started to talk, I heard a faint voice whisper in my ear, it sounded like it was the voice in my head, but it wasn't. I ignored it trying to speak but it kept getting louder and louder. I stood up and pulled Sam off the bench without explanation, as soon as I did a large branch had snapped off the tree and fallen on the bench we had been sitting on not seconds before.

"Ok excuse my language, but what the fuck was that? How did you know that a branch was gonna fall on us? You just saved my life!" Sam said shocked, you could hear the shake in his voice as I stood there still holding his sleeve. "I- I don't know? I just heard this voice.. it kept getting louder and louder until eventually it got to me.." I'd let go of his sleeve back up a bit.

"You need to come meet Colby" he said "then we can all talk together, are you doing anything tonight?" He grabbed his car keys that fell of his pocket on the floor when I had pulled him off the bench. "Uhh yeah no I'm not doing anything, I don't wanna intrude though" thoughts were rushing through my head, the one and only Sam Golbach had just invited me to go talk with him and Colby at THEIR house.

"Tilly, you just saved my life, your not intruding, come on I'll drive you". He swung his keys on his finger as he started walking back to his car, I was hesitant at first but I followed closely behind him. We sat in the car in silence for a while until he spoke up.

"So Tilly, where are you from? Do you have any hobbies? What's work like?" He spoke slowly yet quickly. "I'm actually from Parkville Kansas, I absolutely love paranormal investigating. I actually started when I was 16 (your 24 in this) and works alright, it gets boring. I'd rather be out at haunted locations. You know how it is!"

"Wow I'm surprised! 16? And you were already investing, that's actually crazy Tilly! Well done" he'd speak to me turning to face me occasionally, I couldn't see his face in the dark car but I could sense the smile he had on his face. "Oh hey you don't happen to have an iPhone charger, I need to charge my phone incase Colby messages me for something like White Claws"

"Ah yes of course I do" I had pulled the charger out of my pocket plugging it in to the power outlet in the car and handed it to him he had his knees steering the car grabbing his phone out of his pocket and plugging it in, his phone lit up and his Lock Screen was a photo of him and Colby, I let off a small smile as we stopped at a red light.

The voice in the back of my head came back. Again it kept repeating itself "Don't drive when it goes green, don't drive when it goes green!" it kept getting louder until I spoke up "Sam don't drive off. That voice is back it's telling you NOT to go!"

The light flashed green as the cars behind us started honking at us to go, Sam started to get anxious when suddenly..


Two cars had collided in the middle of the road in front of us emitting a loud crash before one skidded across the concrete road on its roof towards the other side of the road whilst the other just rolled landing wheels down. Sam looked at me, I could see his face clearly now due to being parked underneath a street light at the traffic lights. It was the look of shock, I could sense he was trembling. "You actually need to meet Colby that's insane, that's the second time you've saved my life! That car could've killed me as it would've hit the drivers side of the door, thank you Tilly. Really I mean it"

After that whole commotion going on at the traffic lights, we had arrived at the house, I looked up from grabbing my stuff to see a man standing at the doorstep, he couldn't of been any taller then 5'11. He had a strong build, I assumed it was Colby. I had gotten out the car and walked over to Sam "you alright mate?"

He let off a small nod as he walked up to the man on the step, once I had gotten into the light I could clearly see who it was. "SAM! Where have you been!?! I was worried sick, I saw the crash on the news and I was stressing out that it was yo-"

Colby's eyes had caught a glimpse of me as he laughed "already brought another chick home I see" Sam punched Colby in the arm as he'd speak up "No, not so soon anyways haha, this is Tilly, she literally can predict the future, she saved me from a falling branch and then that car accident, isn't that right Tils?"

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