Chapter 2

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"SAM GOLBACH!!" squealed a girl no younger then 15.

I poked my head around the corner watching the commotion from the where I was standing. Sam's voice spoke up 

"Guys guys let the waitress through, please" Sam said as he looked over at me. I stood there like a stunned deer in headlights, I normally don't get this excited but I had been watching Sam and Colby since they first started vines.

I brushed my apron off a bit walking between the crowd of roughly 15 people. "Hey!" Sam spoke when I got to his table. "Hey, I'm Matilda but please, call me Tilly, what can I get for you today?" I tried acting as professional as possible, but the one and only Sam Golbach was sitting in front of me!

"What would you recommend?" Sam read the menu running his finger along each choice he had spoken so calmly like he didn't have just half the café in front of his face surrounding him. "Personally, if your hungry I'd recommend having one of our Ham and Brie Cheese sandwiches, if your not hungry and just want to drink something it's definitely gonna be the Tropical Green Tea, it's low caffeine"

"Cool, I'll get both of those things, thanks Tilly!" He gave me a small smile as I turned my back walking away, the fans swarmed back closing the gap that was made for me to walk.

I walked into the kitchen and put the note down in front of me so I remember his order. I made the Tropical Green Tea carefully as well as grab a fresh baguette for the ham and cheese sandwich. I had tucked a note underneath the napkin on the teacup that said

"Hey Sam I'm a huge fan of you and Colby, I've been watching you since your vine videos! I was hoping I could have a chat with you after I finish work, my number is _____ and if I don't answer meet me at Liberty Park!"

Once done I put both things on a tray and carefully walked out the kitchen, the crowd had seemed to of died down so it made it easier for me to get his table.

"Here you go Sam" I'd say putting the plate and tea cup carefully in front of him. I started to walk away when he called out my name "Tilly! This is actually so good! Can I leave you a tip?" I politely declined walking back to the kitchen, once I knew Sam had left I walked back to his table cleaning up and washed dishes.

After shift I went home, I threw on a pair of my Nike Pros, a hoodie and checkered vans. I eventually got back into my car and began driving to Liberty Park in hopes he would be there. Jumping out of the car, I had locked it looking at my phone. "No new texts" I thought to myself before shutting my phone off and tucking it away.

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