Chapter five

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I will find you.

"Take me to an address," I said, clutching my forearms. Jungkook glanced at me, his hair sticking to his forehead, soaked, drenched, shivering. "No, we're going home." I gulped, "please. Just take me to this address." I say, I plead. He stared into my eyes and stiffened his jaw, pulling out of the car into the streets and then taking me to the address I wanted most to be at. the world turned into a blur, I was on the verge of crying, and I was overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed by all the things that had been happening, and I knew only one person could understand me. Yoongi. "I can walk." I dodged the invitation to be carried into jungkook's arms again, I stumbled to Yoongi's front door. Ringing the bell, no he didn't live in a dorm or a very backwarded old English house. He had a bungalow, cats, tangerine trees, and no light.

Yoongi opened and looked at me, yet again, soaked. Because the rain hasn't stopped falling, Jungkook is just behind me, under the heavy pouring rain. "Can I have some tea?" I whispered, shivering. He invited us inside, "are you okay?" He asked as I plopped on his dark brown solo chair beside the huge bookshelf. "Jesus, no electricity?"

Jungkook whispered as yoongi handed us towels. "No clothes for you." He announced. I wasn't expecting much, not even an invitation inside the house. Yoongi was extremely secret, he never liked anyone, when I say none disturbing him or even knowing his address. "You have a dog?"

I asked, clutching the towel closer trying to seek some unwanted but survival warmth. I noticed the white hair here and there, yoongi owned a black cat similar to Jade. So there's a dog since yoongi often wanted to have one. "Yeah. Got it last Sunday." I nod, "congrats." Jungkook was trying hard to not be left out, which I'm not irritated by.

Yoongi doesn't say anything and places a cup of lavender tea. "Suit yourself." He muttered, giving one to Jungkook. "Saw that you're injured, wasn't expecting you at all." He said, sitting on his sofa ahead of us, folding his legs neatly. Right beside it was a window and by it was a piano. "I'm surprised that you even opened it."

I sip, instantly feeling comfort from the deepest parts of my chest. I snuggled more into the sofa, feeling blessed that I have a friend like yoongi. Yoongi wasn't a phonecell guy, he talked like an average person but with many more geniuses whenever he did. But he was absent in digital communication, making him stand out a lot.

"Do you play piano?" Jungkook asked, right ahead of me in the chair. He nods, "Can I try?" "Nope." I pursed my lips, feeling sudden tension in the room. "I found the tiger," I say as yoongi raises his both brows. "How? Who?" He glances at Jungkook, "Not him, Yoon. Judy, Judy Lee. The caretaker of his mansion." I inhaled, "she died. Right now."

He slightly shrugged, "boo." He sternly said, Jungkook looked midst us confused as hell. "Judy was a tiger?" He cluelessly asked, I nod. He didn't ask further, for god knows why. "Wine?" He offered, "No," I said, "sure!" Jungkook said, a little too loud for Yoongi's preference. I looked at him, "Didn't know you were a wine type of guy."

He made an ironic face, probably mocking me or just like being a clown. "Fine." Yoongi sat back, not giving Jungkook his wine. he inhaled, "I know that we're uninvited but you can at least be a little kinder." Jungkook complains, "That's his type of kind." I say in a sultry, soared voice. "That's not an excuse," he says.

"Nor is your sudden appearance to be in my house." I sipped my warm tea more and more, "see you were defending this guy." I said, yoongi scoffed. "He's cute." I rolled my eyes, "At least don't say it to his face." I said, "You just hate admitting I'm cute." jungkook spoke, sipping his tea. "Yes, I do because you're not. Anyway," I lie, sipped my tea.

"Tell namjoon and others about this. It was pretty exciting, you would've loved it." I say the scenes of her bleeding were still as fresh, and hauntingly...beautiful to look at. "Don't you think it's time?" Yoongi suddenly spoke, and I looked at him. "What?" I asked, he looked at Jungkook. I followed his gaze, jungkook stared at us, suspicious, doubting, at the edge of pulling out moves. I sigh, "I have something to tell you."

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