Part 3

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Pov- Karan

It was 7 in the morning and my alarm rang and I woke up. Yesterday night I slept only for 2 hours The reason is one and only Noor Sharma.

That girl has done some magic on me since I have seen her yesterday I am countinuously thinking about her. She is a epitome of beauty it's not like I have never met any beautiful girl in my life but she is different her smile is something for which someone can die also and she is so innocent.

Yesterday I saw her checking me out and when she realised that I noticed that her face was full red and was something that boost my male ego. And since I have saw her my only motive is make her mine by hook or crook. Because I have fallen for her at first sight.

With this thoughts I get up from and went towards my gym room for my workout.

With this thoughts I get up from and went towards my gym room for my workout

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After my workout session I got ready for my office and went to my office.

Today I didn't had my breakfast as my maid was on leave and I don't know how to make food.Sometimes I miss my mother a lot if she was here she would have not let me go without having anything.My whole family lives in Delhi and I live in Mumbai due to my office.

As I reached my office I give my keys to chauffeur and entered inside my office

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As I reached my office I give my keys to chauffeur and entered inside my office.

As I entered all the office was pin drop silence the receptionist wished me but I didn't give any reaction and went in my private lift.

As I reached my floor my secretary wished me and followed me till my cabin .

As I sat at my chair my secretary said "sir today you have 3 meetings lined up and one meeting with board of directors and this is the file which you have asked for"

"Abhir today first work you have to do is find all information about Noor Sharma her past,her family, about her job and her relationship status every fucking thing about her till evening " I said sternly

"okay sir I will do it " with that he left my cabin. And I got busy with my work and countinuous metting.

At 10:00 pm I reached at my penthouse today the work was not that much hectic that's why I got home early.

First I order food for myself and then went towards washroom to take a bath and after that I changed in a tshirt and joggers. As I went downstairs the delivery boy came and gave my order .

I was eating my food and my phone started ringing and it was none other than my two best friends. I picked the call and Rahul said "finally dude you picked the call where were you since morning no reply nothing"

"I was busy with my work I have to run a company not free like you " I replied sarcastically.

" Oo hello dude I am not free I have also a company to run but we should take out time for our loved ones also " he said

"enough guys stop fighting and Rahul come to the point why did you called us " ram said

"oo yaa I called you both that I got the Malhotra's project finally " he said happily.From last three months he was working so hard for this project and finally he got

" congratulations dude"I said to him being happy for him.

"Oo my fucking god finally your hardwork paid off now I want a party " ram said

"ofcourse yrr that's why I called you both tommorow at our usual club I will give you a party " he said.

I was going to say no to him that I can't come but after hearing his next sentence I changed my mind "and btw Ram why don't you invite Riya and her two friends whom we met yesterday you both are so boring may be with them I can enjoy right Karan " he said teasingly

"I will ask Riya and tell her to ask her friends also btw am I missing something "ram said

"no no dude it's nothing you just ask Riya and her friends"

" okay so byy I have some work " I said and cut the call.

And next second my phone pinned with a message and it was from my secretary and it was about Noor information.

I went in my bedroom and opened the information and started reading it . After reading it a smirk form on my face so my baby girl is single till now interesting don't worry baby girl soon you will be mine and with that thought I slept.

So hello guys hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote. Till then byyy see you tomorrow.

Love from,
Miss Sharma ❤️

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