Hold onto me

9 0 0

"When youre all alone, ill reach for you
When feelin' low, ill be there too"

Name : Kwan Heejin
Age : 18
Nationality : Hispanic Korean - Salvador and Korea
Twin brother : Kwan Seojun

Name : Hong Sukyoung - SiO
Age : 19
Nationality: Korean
Siblings : one older sister


"Fine, but next time I won't listen to your songs for a month" I said angrily

"THANK YOUUU" he thanked me

I gave him a piece of my chocolate and we just looked at the stars together

"I gotta go, Seojuns cooking and won't give me any food if I come home late" I explained

"Alright, bye see you tomorrow" he said

I ran all the way to my house and rushed into the kitchen to check if Seojun was still there

"Am I late?" I asked

"Who were you with?" He replied

"I was with Sukyoung" I answered

"Oh, you're not late and sit down the foods ready soon" he said

I sat down checking my phone and then Seojun out the food on the table, we didn't talk while eating, we just watched on our phones. After dinner he washed the dishes while I cleaned the kitchen, I went outside after cleaning and went on the swings at the park near my house, I started thinking about when I would audition and where I would audition, I still didn't know even after an hour of thinking. I went home and saw Sukyoung laying down on the floor

"Spending the night again?" I asked

"Yup" he answered

"The blankets you used are still where you left them" I said

"Ok, thanks, oh where are your parents? I haven't seen them" he responded

"They went on a trip and won't be back for a couple of weeks" I answered

"I'm so boredddd" Seojun complained

"Let's all go do something then" Sukyoung suggested

"Do what?" I asked


"I'll go buy the snacks you guys get everything else" Seojun said while putting his shoes on

Me and Sukyoung grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows, we had some extra time so we made coffee for the three of us, Seojun arrived with two bags full of snacks, one had candy, the other had chips, sodas, etc. I picked the movies while they started to add sugar and whipped cream to our coffees, we watched the nightmare before Christmas, hocus pocus, the Addams family, coraline, Casper, and the corpse bride, and a couple more movies. Seojun fell asleep during Corpse bride, so we decided to eat his snacks and the third coffee he made for himself

"Three coffees yet hes the first to fall asleep" Sukyoung chuckled

"I swear coffee makes him fall asleep cause every time he has coffee he falls asleep" i whispered

We finished the rest of the movies and fell asleep, I don't remember when we fell asleep but it felt like 2 or 3 in the morning, i woke up at 10:12 and surprisingly i was the first to wake up so I made breakfast, I listened to some music and of course changed it to superkind when Sukyoung woke up. We had breakfast and then I went to change, Sukyoung left and Seojun went to buy clothes, I was left alone so I just texted Sukyoung since I don't have other friends

Sukyoung 🙄


Sukyoung 🙄


Why are you mad 😒

Sukyoung 🙄

I'm not

Why do you type so stiff 😭😭

Sukyoung 🙄

That's just how I type

Istg you're such an old man when you type

Anyways text me when you wanna go to the park

Sukyoung 🙄


Bye I'll see you later



Why does he type so stiff over text? His sister really needs to teach him how to text better. I watched some movies for a bit and then Sukyoung said to meet him outside, I put my shoes on and went outside

"Wanna go to a cafe I found?" He asked

"Mhm" I replied

We went on the bus so we could go eat, when it arrived there were no places to sit so we had to stand the entire time, the driver made hard turns so all the passengers would move around.

"Hold onto me so you don't fall" he said

"Ok" I grabbed his arm for support

The bus finally arrived at our stop so we went out to the cafe

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