Just my bestfriend

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"I just want to love you
I dont want to leave you alone"

The cafe was small and had a lot of drinks to choose from, We got iced coffees and a couple of cookies. We talked about a bunch of things, mainly his comeback, After awhile we went back to my house, on the way there he was trying to have a conversation with me in Spanish

"Cuantos anos tienes?" He asked
"How old are you?"

"Dieciocho" I replied

"Hablas espanol bastante bueno" I said
"You speak Spanish pretty good"

"Thanks, daemon-hyung taught me a bit" he chuckled

We arrived at my house and said goodbye, I walked in and put my shoes away, Seojun started to fake sob while saying he couldn't afford Sukyoungs new album because he hasn't gotten paid yet


"Just wait till you get paid, and I thought you bought the pre order?" I asked


"We'll, too bad for you" I laughed and sat down on the couch

"How could you be this cruel to your twin brother?? We spend every minute of everyday together, I cook for you, I drive you to school, and I help you with your homework, and this is the thanks I get?" He gasped

"Yes, now shut up I wanna watch kamisama kiss" I said

"OMG KAMISAMA KISS? MOVE I WANNA WATCH TOO" he yelled forgetting what he was even crying about


After conversing with Heejin in Spanish for a bit we arrived at her house, I watched her run inside and I could hear Seojun crying, I'm not sure why but I just laughed and walked to the deep studio building to practice. On the way there I kept thinking of Heejin and her eyes, they look so pretty, like you could get lost in them forever, I would love to be lost in them. Wait what am I thinking? Her eyes look pretty but why do I wanna get lost in them? Why does my face feel so warm, I've never felt this way towards her, is it normal? I never felt like this towards other girls I've met so why is it different for Heejin? I mean, she's really pretty, her beautiful brown eyes, her slim hands, her fashion style, the way she talks is soft yet rough at the same time.

I don't have romantic feelings for her tho, she's just my best friend. I arrived at the practice room and sat down next to Daemon-hyung, I kept thinking of Heejin the entire time though; that's probably why I kept walking into the others while dancing

"Hey, Sukyoung, are you feeling alright?" Eugene-hyung asked

"Yes, I'm fine" I said

After practicing I went to lay down on my bed, thinking of Heejin. I started thinking of what she liked, she loved listening to music, cooking with her brother, drawing and painting, dancing, buying clothes for us to match, buying jewelry, spending money on useless things. I want to go buy jewelry for the two of us, I want to create music she'll love, I want to buy her clothes she likes, I want to buy her useless things. But why did it matter to me what she liked? I mean, Shes my best friend, but shes just my best friend, of course I care for what she likes but why am I thinking about it all of a sudden? And why do I wanna do all of this for her? Maybe I'm just tired, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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