The way i love you

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"Ive never loved somebody
The way i love you"

"Ok, what did you wanna tell me?" I dried my hands

"Uhm..i think i need more advice to tell juchan" he hesitated

"Oh, ok, so what else is he scared to tell her?" I asked

"He texted me a bit a go saying hes gonna confess soon but he dosent know how" he looked around again

"I really like you, you might not feel the same way but i want to make sure you know my feelings, if you dont like me can we please stay friends? I dont want to ruin this friendship, ever"

"What?" He looked at me

"He could say something like that" i smiled

"Oh, ok, ill tell him right now" he opened his phone

I was quiet but inside i was screaming, i indirectly confessed to him, i basically just told him how i feel. I feel so happy that i somehow told him my feelings.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I broke the silence

"Sure, you can pick" he got comfortable on the couch

"This one, it looks cute" i put a random romance movie

Before putting it on i grabbed some blankets and more pillows, we watched the movie while we shook each other when the main lead would say something nice to the female lead. Around 30 minutes later we were halfway through the movie but i felt him tap me on the shoulder

"What is it?" I asked

"Heejin, i know this probably isnt the most appropriate time but..I finally have enough courage to do this" he looked at me

"I like you, you make me nervous when im around you, your smile, your laugh, everything about you is beautiful, and thats why i like you, i know you dont feel the same way, but can we please stay friends?" He confessed

I stayed quiet for a bit, my crush literally confessed his feelings for me, HONG SUKYOUNG JUST SAID HE LIKES ME

"Sukyoung, you're wrong...i do like you, you make me feel happy, i really like you" i made eye contact with him

"So, can i do this now?" He asked and before i could do anything our lips touched

He slowly moved his hand to the back of my head, i hugged him by his neck, we slowly moved our lips apart from each others and brought them back together, we both smiled, i ran my fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead

"Im glad i can finally do that" he kissed my cheek

"Should we tell seojun about this?" I asked him

"Lets keep it a secret for now, we'll tell him later" he said

After making eye contact for a bit, we heard the door rattle and immediately moved away from each other

"Im backk" seojun opened the door

"Oh, Sukyoung, i thought you wouldve gone back to the company" he took his shoes off

"No, but i need to get going, bye heejin, bye seojun" he walked out

Seojun looked at me with a confused face

"What?" I looked at him

"Nothing, im just sleepy, good night" he went to his room

I waited for him to close his door before i silenty screamed, my crush just became my boyfriend, im dating Sukyoung. A smile immediately appeared on my face after thinking of him and our kiss

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