|The Village of Serenity|

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Russia's stomach growled with hunger as he groaned in annoyance. "You said how much longer until we reach the village?" He questioned the spirit walking in front of him. "We're here now grumpy pants stop complaining already." China said as they rolled their eyes and pointed ahead to the entrance of a village. Russia's eyes lit up as he began to charge at the village before being stopped by the spirit beside him.

"Ugh what is your deal?!" Russia said as he glared at the spirit "first of all unless you want to raise panic in the village you walk slowly, second you can't just walk into the village as a human." Russia stared as he began to think of a disguise. "Look I can use my magic to disguise you, but then you'll owe me." China said as they began to make a few golden strings to surround Russia. Russia looked shocked once the disguise was done, he looked like a spirit!

"There now you look like a typical earth spirit." China said as they looked at the disguise he made. Russia had a coat that looked like it was made of dirt, vines around his arms and legs and branches with leaves around his ushanka.

Russia looked shocked but then he shook it off and started to walk towards the village with the tiny dragon in tow. He stopped infront of a market browsing a bit before frowning. He didn't have any money so he couldn't buy anything, and he doubts some annoying spirit he found in the forest has any money.

"We could go over there." Talking about annoying spirit. "What now?" Russia said in annoyance as he looked over to where the spirit was pointing. "The owner of the place is really nice! He puts everything I buy in a tab if I don't have any money on me, and I'm guessing you don't have money." China said as they looked over to the Russian. "Alright, let's go." He began to walk over to the cafe. China now followed him with much ease now that they were floating.

They entered the cafe as the barista looked up. "Hello! How may I help you?" The barista greeted them. "Hey Brazil!" China greeted him as they floated up to the counter. Brazil smiled at the spirit as he led them to a seat. Russia noticed a tiny strand of hair had been braided and that the barista had vibrant blue wings and the tail of a leopard along with a set of ears. Brazil stopped infront of a table near the corner as Russia and China sat down.

Brazil handed them menues and excused himself for a bit so they could choose. Brazil came back soon enough to take their orders. "I'll just take a loaf of bread." Russia said "Same for me I guess." China said sounding uninterested, "Coming right up." Brazil said as he smiled and walked away.

Russia looked to the spirit, who in all honesty looked bored. "So what is the real reason you wanted to come along?" Russia asked them. China looked up at him then sighed knowing they had been caught. "I was just lonely, it gets boring out there all alone and it takes a while to get to the village." They said sounding a little sad "Not that I'm allowed here anyway." They mumbled so Russia wouldn't hear, but he had heard. "Why aren't you allowed here?" He questioned the spirit.

"Because of who I am." They answered "They think I'm a freak because I don't have a specific gender. But that's kinda their problem." The spirit shrugged. Russia raised a brow, but didn't question it any further.

Brazil came back and handed Russia a bag with a a few days worth of food. Russia looked at him confused. "Don't worry I'll put it on a tab for you if you're worried about money." Brazil smiled before walking away to attend other customers. Russia shook off the confusion, standing up. "If you really want to follow me until I get back home, then get up idiot." He told the spirit before he continued walking. China was a bit shocked but smiled and proceeded to float after Russia.

They walked to an inn near the cafe. Before they walked in Russia stopped walking, China looked at him after they also stopped moving. "What is it?" They asked him, Russia turned to look at him "We don't have money to get in..." he said to the spirit.

China grinned before using their magic to make a few golden coins. "This should be enough to get a room." They looked at Russia and snickered a little at his gaping mouth "Why didn't you tell me you could do that?!" Russia whisper-yelled.

"You didn't ask." The spirit smiled mischievously. Russia look at him with a 'really?' look as he grabbed the coins and walked into the inn and stopped infront of the counter.

He payed for a one bed room, since China insisted they didn't need a bed to sleep on. That night he stared at the ceiling, he couldn't sleep.

He groaned and flipped to his side, flinching when he saw China sitting in a chair, staring at him with golden eyes that seemed to glow in the dark, "Can't sleep?" They tilted their head, Russia's eye twitched, but he answered either way "No, not that it's any of your business." He turned to face away from the spirit

A few seconds later he felt a scaly hand brush through his hair, he suddenly felt very sleepy, he was tired so he didn't try to struggle when he felt his eyes closing, after another minute or so, his eyes closed as he fell into a light slumber.


End of chapter

I feel like this was pretty short, these chapters won't be very long either way,

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter and sorry for the wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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