9th Challenge: Dance

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"It was a nice evening. The very last time we ever talked that is. We were having a picnic at the plain flower field. It had all kinds of flowers! Poppies, daisies, allium, cornflowers and many others. The field was surrounded by rose bushes and birch trees on one side and dark oak on other.

We sat there for hours, snacking on few cookies from time to time while gazing at the clouds. We even had a nap and we were very lucky to not get sunburned.

It was nearing dusk and we watched the sun set. It was as beautiful as him. Slowly, the stars started to appear and begun their slow waltz across the Milky-way.

He stood up and offered me his hand. I hesitantly took it and he pulled me up into his embrace. His smile was soft as he put his hands around my waste as we slowly moved around without a rhythm to the stars.

We packed our stuff together and he walked me home when the sun rose. We hugged and bid goodbye. I never saw him again." She whispered out as she cried.

I tried to comfort her as best as I could, but I could only do that much.

October AU Oneshot Challenge by @tennis_ball_fuzzWhere stories live. Discover now