Chapter 5

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And what would you tell me if Caine actually works for a much more dangerous creature who steals dog faces, consumes lethal drugs, and constantly makes X-rated sex jokes? That would be pretty absurd if it were real. Anyway, it's almost his birthday and the best gift he could receive would be a lot of support and love for his great project that is about to be released soon with those from GLITCH who can barely put up with all his craziness.

Now yes, Jax had a really wild and uncontrollable friend who sold him drugs. It was about Xalaver, a dog really obsessed with lemons, and I mention her here because she is my favorite character in the Gooseworx creative universe, and although it is too unlikely to happen, I hope to see a mini cameo of her in the show. I hope God hears my prayers.

 I hope God hears my prayers

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