10 Years Later! ♥

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I did not forget the heart I always put! Man, so many feels starting this again! Decided to write this as a 3rd person point of view.

xx Nikki


It has been ten years since Kendall walked out of Nicole's door. Relationships came and went for both of them.  Kendall's relationship with Mica came and went  Nicole went on many dates, spent a couple of years with someone named Jerome, but eventually both became single again.

"KENDALL FRANCIS SCHMIDT JR!" Nicole shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!"

"I'm coming mom chill." Kendall said. "Did you order the corsage Lucy picked out."

"Yes." Nicole said. "It will be here by Friday. I cannot believe you are sixteen now." 

"Listen, about my party..." Kendall started to say.

"Please tell you did not change your mind. Everything is already planned out by grandma Kathy and I." Nicole said.

"I did not change my mind. You can still have your party." Kendall said. "But I want to add someone to the guest list."

"Alright, give me their name and I will let grandma know." Nicole said. She watched as Kendall took a big breath.

"I invited dad." Kendall said slowly.

"You did what?" Nicole asked.

"I know you and dad have your issues but he's really stepped up in the last ten years and it would only be there for my sixteenth birthday." Kendall said.

"What about your siblings? Shouldn't they get a say in it?" Nicole asked.

"I already talked to them. They are fine with it. I knew you would have a problem with it." Kendall said. "I will take them to school. At least think about it, for me."

"Alright." Nicole said. Kendall smiled which made Nicole's heart flutter. He looked so much like his dad when he smiled.

"Come on guys!" Kendall called. One by one the rest of their kids came down the stairs. Nicole handed off lunches as they walked out the door and Nicole was left by herself. She sighed to herself before she walked over to her phone. She went through her contacts until she got to the contact name of someone she did not personally talk to in ten years. This time she was not going to be able to talk to him through someone. She was going to have to talk to him herself. She hit the call button and heard it ring.

"Hello?" A voice she would know out of anywhere answered.

"Kendall... it's... it's me." Nicole said. "We need to talk."

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