Talking to Kendall! ♥

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"What do we need to talk about?" Kendall asked.

"Well, Kendall's birthday party is coming up this weekend." Nicole said.

"Wait- I am Kendall. My birthday is not for six months." Kendall said.

"Not you Kendall. Your son Kendall, our son Kendall." Nicole said.

"Oh, you mean Little K." Kendall said.

"He has not liked being called that since middle school." Nicole said. "Anyway, as I was saying, his birthday party is coming up this weekend and he would like you to come."

"Really?" Kendall asked. "I mean he mentioned something about it, but he said he wanted to talk to you before officially inviting me."

"Well, here is your invitation to his party." Nicole said.

"Are you sure you want me there?" Kendall asked.

"It is fine. We are both adults and it has been over ten years since we have been together." Nicole said. Nicole was about to say something when her phone made a sound indicating that she had a text message. She pulled her phone away to look at it.

Little K: Hey, Lucy's mom wants to come. Here is her number: 123-444-5555

"Listen, I have to go call the mom of Kendall's girlfriend." Nicole said.

"Little K has a girlfriend?" Kendall asked.

"Yes, so we will see you on Saturday." Nicole said. She hung up before Kendall could say anything else. Nicole dialed the number that Kendall gave her.

"Hello?" someone answered. Nicole recognized the voice, but could not put a face to it at first.

"Hello, I am looking for the mom to Lucy." Nicole said.

"This is her," the voice said. Again, Nicole knew the voice, but a face was not coming to her.

"Hi, this is Lucy's boyfriend Kendall's mom." Nicole said. "Kendall wanted to let you know about his party on Saturday."

"Oh, I know all about you Nicole Schmidt," the voice said.

"How would-" it hit Nicole. She definitely knew the voice. "ANNA!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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